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<br />City ofCenterville <br />November 13,2002 <br />Council Meeting Minutes <br /> <br />really going to happen with the development, will there be street lights, water, a sidewalk, <br />etc. <br /> <br />Mr. Shimon asked why it took so long to get the information to Rice Creek Watershed <br />when this has been dragging on for a couple of months. He then said the holding pond is <br />proposed to be located adjacent to the rear of his home and he is concerned with the <br />children in the area and asked if the pond area would be fenced. He further commented <br />that he is concerned that runoff would contaminate the wells in the area. <br /> <br />Mr. Shimon indicated that he would like Council to hold off on approval of the <br />preliminary plat and obtain further information. <br /> <br />Council Member Capra apologized to the residents who attended the meeting last night <br />and this meeting because the City does not have all the information and cannot answer all <br />of the questions. She then said she feels there is enough information to approve the <br />rezone but commented that the requirement to go 100 feet off the property line with <br />levels to compare was not done as well as several other items and she would like to wait <br />on approval until more of the pending items have been completed. <br /> <br />Mr. Don Simonson, 7263 Centerville Road, commented that he did not feel it was <br />necessary to tear up a perfectly good road to run water when the City had the opportunity <br />to do it with the Lakeland Hills development and did not. <br /> <br />Council Member Capra indicated the water could be added through direct drilling rather <br />than tearing up the road. Mr. Peterson commented that it may be necessary to run <br />services with an open cut. <br /> <br />Mr. Bill Svetin, 1687 Peltier Lake Drive, indicated he would not be able to make a <br />decision at this time because there was not enough information submitted on the plat. He <br />then said he would like Rice Creek Watershed's opinion and the environmental <br />assessment worksheet for further information on the potential environmental impact of <br />the proposed development. <br /> <br />Mr. Svetin said he agrees that the property owner should have the right to rezone and <br />develop the property but the City needs to carefully look at what is proposed to go on that <br />property to make sure that it enhances the neighboring property values. <br /> <br />Mr. Svetin indicated that residents have been fighting the addition of water for a long <br />time and the last time was when LakeJand Hills went in. He then said that he feels he has <br />paid to build the street enough and does not want to do it again. <br /> <br />Council Member Nelson clarified that the residents were assessed and paid the first time <br />and the second time they were assessed and did not pay the City paid. <br /> <br />Mr. Svetin indicated that residents took the City to court and the City ended up paying for <br />the road. He then said he feels the road should be the responsibility of the developer <br /> <br />Page 4 of29 <br />