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<br />City of Centerville <br />November 13, 2002 <br />Council Meeting Minutes <br /> <br />Mr. Wilharber explained that he and Mr. Carlson had worked out a deal to sell back to <br />him a section that is 208.7 feet by 100 feet for his garden, raspberries and apple trees and <br />that is the lot split. The second part of the request is to add the 208.7 by 100 foot parcel <br />to his existing property making the existing property 308.7 by 217 feet. <br /> <br />Mayor Swedberg asked whether the big bam was on his property. Mr. Wilharber <br />explained that the piece of ground between his place and the farm was to put in <br />strawberries and raspberries and the building was to facilitate that but the family decided <br />to sell the farm when his mother passed away. <br /> <br />Mayor Swedberg indicated that the lot split and combining of properties would give him <br />his portion of the property and the remaining portion of the family farm has been sold to <br />Mr. Carlson. <br /> <br />City Attorney Hoeft indicated he had no issues with the request. <br /> <br />Council Member Capra indicated she was concerned with the request because the lot split <br />for Mr. Carlson requires a minimum of 1 0 acres. <br /> <br />Mr. Wilharber explained he was asking for an R-2 zoning designation. <br /> <br />Council Member Capra indicated she did not understand how it could be done with the <br />R-l designation. Council Member Broussard Vickers indicated it would be dependent on <br />the next motion passing. <br /> <br />Motion by Council Member Broussard Vickers, seconded by Council Member <br />Travis to approve the lot split for KCR Investments subiect to approval of a <br />rezonin2 request bv Mr. Wilharber. <br /> <br />City Attorney Hoeft indicated that the motion would be appropriate as it would be <br />conditioned on the rezoning. <br /> <br />Ms. Moore-Sykes indicated the rezoning was a housekeeping issue to make the property <br />conforming. <br /> <br />Council Member Capra indicated there is no grandfather clause in the Ordinance. City <br />Attorney Hoeft indicated the grandfathering is done by operation oflaw and is not needed <br />in the ordinance. <br /> <br />VOTE: Aves - 4, Nays -l(Capra). Motion carried. <br /> <br />Motion bv Council Member Broussard Vickers, seconded by Council Member <br />Travis to approve the lot combination rezonin2 request of Mr. Wilharber. Ayes - 4, <br />Nays -l(Capra). Motion carried. <br /> <br />Page 11 of29 <br /> <br />L__ __ <br />