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<br />City of Centervi11e <br />November 13, 2002 <br />Council Meeting Minutes <br /> <br />Cauncil Member Braussard Vickers asked if it wauld be best ta cantinue the public <br />hearing if any dallar amaunts are changed. City Attamey Haeft indicated that if <br />anyane's numbers were increased the City wauld need ta cantinue the hearing and <br />provide natice ta thase parties. <br /> <br />Mayar Swedberg cammented that Mr. DeFae cauld alsa put higher density hausing an <br />his partian .of the property such as twinbames due ta the way it is zaned naw. <br /> <br />Council Member Broussard Vickers indicated the Mayor had argued against twinbomes <br />for the last development and she does not want to encaurage an assessment that would <br />push a property owner ta propose higher density ta recaup the casts .of the assessment. <br /> <br />Mr. Peterson indicated the developer paid 50% to extend sewer and water for Hunter's <br />Crossing. <br /> <br />Cauncil Member Capra indicated there was nat any commercial property in the path .of <br />that develapment but there is in this case. Mr. Petersan indicated that Mr. Rehbein would <br />be paying 39.5% .of the casts ta get the way ta the praperty and then he wauld be <br />respansible ta pay for the 300 feet .of additianallength ta run it inta the develapment. He <br />then commented that the minutes reflect that Mr. Rehbein was .okay with a figure of <br />$4,800 per lat far a tatal .of $48,000 and said the water was driven by the develapment. <br /> <br />Mayar Swedberg cammented that the document anticipates an interest rate of 8% and he <br />feels that amount is usuriaus as it is not supparted by what the prevailing market rates <br />are. Ms. Maare-Sykes indicated the City has used 8% far all assessments regardless of <br />whether the interest rates are higher .or lawer. She then said that it wauld pose a prablem <br />ifthe City were ta lower the interest far this develapment and did nat da sa far the others. <br /> <br />Cauncil Member Braussard Vickers suggested changing 7281 to $20,000 and leave the <br />ather piece at 6 units. The additianal $12,000 wauld be added anta the cammercial <br />praperty and wauld bring the Shares amaunt ta appraximately $65,000. <br /> <br />Mr. Rehbein asked Cauncil ta cansider the difference between having the water main in <br />frant .of DeFae's property and the water main run ta the carner .of his praperty. He then <br />said it wauld have saved him money ta have the water main rurming alang the frant of his <br />praperty. <br /> <br />Cauncil Member Broussard Vickers cammented that the value .of the lats in that <br />development is far different and it distresses her ta see Mr. Rehbein fighting the <br />assessment as she feels Cauncil was straightforward all alang when discussing the <br />assessment. She further cammented that it seemed ta her that Council had reached a <br />cansensus with Mr. Rehbein .only ta have him shaw up at this late date and contest the <br />amaunts. <br /> <br />Cauncil Member Broussard Vickers said she feels Cauncil shauld do samething a little <br />different an the commercial property but it disturbs her at this paint because she felt the <br /> <br />Page 14 af29 <br />