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<br />--;~~,_~,~~~"....CI~~rm.,.~..A\lg.18.1983 PQg.IO <br />.,;,:,;1:;;.' ".;-,,-r:' lug at [east 56 downstream pro- <br />:;~>,;:}i.:.,~.:_ ,-" :'to". grammahle channeb ahal( he 00"" <br />:' :,,":~,.,yitf;?,f ,,~,.~~ta s,trueted pursuant. to thecondi. <br />'''''411' _.l!u:I~<ffng tlotuloftMpropos:uofGl"(IupW. <br />addend~lU;'-granting SECTION Z. PIcTURE QUAL[. <br />. a inne _~ '_'C@le of TY AND TECHNICAL RE. <br />theNi:Jrt~_ ~b~~:'C' a QUlREMENTS <br />Minnesotll _ _ -,T(-h ',ein- Group W will he required to <br />.ft.~_r."~~ _ _ _ _U:I ope _, an.,.d transmit an undlstorted sIgnal to <br />ma1D~ a eabJe-'~gmmuni .t1ona Ute suhsttiber, wdfurlher to <br />sys~\lm intb.1;! city'cof cell 'orville comply with all technical stan.- <br />settil)-,g f~.1:I~n~~I:1~s: .:.c.oom: dardl! of their proposal and <br />panymg- tft,c grailt ill Ir .. chisc; Federal Cummunications Com mis- <br />providlngforreguJlitio "eaf sionrequirements. <br />thesystemiandPT . ai- SECTION 3. TWO-WAY CAPA. <br />, ,lJvi. CITY <br />, . G'PlJP<_WiJ:-hall i~itially ~ti. <br />;Nsteatwo-wa C11pabJesystem. <br />SECTION 01. F CILITlEs <br />Group Wshall <:onst.J:uct'i-/.s <br />faeiJities a3 set fonh in its proposal <br />'!'tothe-Gity, <br />SECI'JON 5; SPECIAL CHAN. <br />NEL ':.-<\ND ACCESS REQUIRE. <br />MENTS <br />The Syaum ~ha.l] c'1l'1'y b~oad. <br />east s~ations, an emergency ov..r_ <br />ride r.hannel a.nd 9 special aCClli5S <br />cllfmnels in~uding public, ~ducll.- <br />tional, governlI!/)nt, leased (2), <br />regronal, :religious, library, imd a <br />North Central Regional u-cess. <br />T~e franchise details specific <br />access TullIS w~ich must be de- <br />veJopedbyGroupW. <br />SECTION 6. INSTITuTIONAL <br />NETWORK <br />The System shall include a <br />sepllratein3titutional network <br />whkh ....iII permit 38 sepuate <br />television channels to besentw <br />each institution and 16 channels to <br />be returned. <br />SECTION 7. SER,VICE TO <br />PUBLIC BUILDINGS AND <br />EDtl(:ATH:mAl; TNSTITU_ <br />nONS <br />GroupWwlJlprovideinstltu. <br />ti<mal network service to at least <br />B9 instituti,<:>n~ li.s~1E!4 il). Secti~m 7, of <br />the(ranchise....' " . . <br />SECTiON 3. iNTERCONNEC- <br />TION <br />. The System serving the cil.ies <br /><>l'Blaine, Centerville, Circle <br />Pines, Coon Rapids, Ham Lake, <br />Lexington, Lino Lakes, and <br />SjJring Lake Park shall be com. <br />pletely inter<:onneded. The Sys. <br />tem s}lall als/) be constructed so <br />that other systems now or here', <br />after constructed in any area <br />adjacent to the SY5tem may be <br />intertt>nnecled. <br />SECTION 9. REGIONAL CHAN_ <br />NEL <br />The standard VUFchannel 6 <br />is designated (or uniform regIDnal <br />channel usage. <br />ARTICLE IV. SERVICES r\ND <br />'PROGRAMMING, SUBSGRIBER <br />sel-vices-se~ forth m Its CONTRACTS, COMPLAINTS <br />Qity;'',':<::-i' "', _SECTION 1. SERVICES 'AN}) <br />:;;li~A-NOO,~.I!l(J;'Ji:II,M :_" PROGRAMMINg <br />',,~t~'~'~,,","~h"f!'rllm>ning", <br />'yearterin." -.' "Kkd a>; ~p"cll\ed in ~hf' nmn"",,) <br />SECTIQ.(VS.,AREA ._ _ _, olGioupW.Progr;i.mmlngsh'::iib; <br />'~"rhe .l~al\t'n\~e is granted for adde.d."ni:l_d!;!etel.l,pUrsilalit to, the <br />the ,mUnIC!PllI boundaries.of the; proeedure$ofSect](}n 1.':"~':---"-' <br />entire,City., _' .., SECTION 2_ INTERRUPTION <br />SECTlON6,POLlCEPOWER5 o.F Sf.:RVICE AND COM. <br />Group' W's rights-ate subie~ PLAINTS <br />to the Rolice pow~rs of t~e City. , . Service shall not be iilterriipc <br />SECTlON7. USE OF GRANTEE ted unless absolutely necessary. If <br />FACILITIES , , serviel! is interrup_terl for more' <br />The City hilS the, rig-ht to than 4B hOllrs, subscriber shll.l! be <br />Iu;tallandmair,t:iin anylixturesit credited pro.rat.a Ior suclz inter. <br />iesiresuponthepolesandfiKtutes ruption.An ofIice shall be main. <br />llGroupW. " , tamed in the area and shlllt be <br />lECTlON 8. WRIT'rEN NOTICE capilble of receiving complaints <br />All notices sliallbe delivered ami re>:juests for repairs oradj\lst. <br />n writing to the offices 9f City and menl.S at any time seven d(l.Ys per <br />h", local and New' York offices oI week. This section further details <br />;i'OlJpW. subsdlber complaint procedures. <br />'E(''TIQN 9. RIGHTS OFINDIVI. ARTICLE v, CONSTRUCTION, <br />lUALS INITIAL SERVICE AREA, <br />No signals shsll be transmit, UNE EXTENSION AND <br />I ~d from the subscriber terminal CONSTRUCTION STANDARDS <br />xcepl as requi....d to provide SECTION I.INT1TIAL SERVICE <br />ervice authorized by the [ran_ AREA <br />hise and ~he subscriber. Informa. AU areas containing dwelling <br />on (~om subseriber terminals unib within the are;! designated' <br />lay not be gathered or stQred 'm tile map appe-nded to YOI'm H of <br />ithout the expr~s8 written per- the Offering shall be constrlU:ted <br />,iSSlOn o( tlm subscriber. The liS the initi"l serviee area. <br />,rms and conditions of the writ. SECTION 2. LINE EXTEl'lSlON <br />.n authorization are included in POLICt <br />lis!!cction. Service shall be extended to <br />E:CTION_IO. CERTIFICATE OF those "/.1'"....6 Mt in the initial <br />ONFlRMATION service area pursuant to the <br />Gr?,:pWmua.tobtllinaregu. (ormula of Section 2. <br />r eertl~lcate of confirmation from SECTION a. CONSTRUCTION <br />e Minnesota State Cable Board. TIMETABLE <br />ARTICLE m. DESiGN OF Group W shall construct aU <br />SYSTEM ar~s of tile intial service area <br />~CTION 1. CHANNEL CAPA. which contain -dwelling units by <br />rTY . SUBSCRIBER NET. November 15. 1955. Delays in <br />'ORK <Ylnstr\!.ction '.>hall :result in penal- <br />A System capable oj provid- ties provided by the franchise. <br /> <br /> <br />SECTION ,4, CONSTRUCTION ~llrsuant: w;tbe,:p,rocenJ~;~~nd"'~'SION ON RIGlITS Am> RF.;ME.:' <br />STANDARDS minimum requ,i!~mentlii;"Qf.~:this:J .DiES'" <br />Croup W shall Ct1mply ....itb ~ll ~on.. ,~his__s.::ction rUrt~er)p~,Q'-' -4ll' and rights given <br />collStrudlon standards of the fran. "Yi..snutnmumamoun~~tf!"Pt!l\!4jl' to City by, the (ranch,se are in <br />thise as well as aU applicable laws, ties such as failure: to cQn6~r:Ucttf;h:ei-. audition to-any other rights which <br />ordinan.:.e-s, rutes, regulatiolls and sYstem and failure to conip,ly With ,City might .otherwise have regaf(j. <br />codes, Iederal. state andlacal. t,errns and conditions of:tbe fian'~ lng th~ System ,llr Group W. Thl! <br />SECTION 5. CONDIDONS ON ~hise, Said pena/ties;<'inaY'~~;be ~erl:.\seofany, right or remedy by <br />USE ~essed against-Gro~p'W,_by;fhe 'CitY_8h"U not release Group' W <br />Group W may nQt, in its City and wlI9c1ed ,dlr,E!ctl)' ~Olll from" its obligations under th(l <br />construction of the System, inter- the Letter of Credit, The,Lette.~o( Franl'.bise; <br />fere with any gas, electric Or Credit must bll'maintailied ,pour, SECTION 5. APPLICABLE <br />television fixture, w...ter hydrant suant to the-,'procedures'a-nd;e,l"ec LAWS' AND COURT DECI.' <br />or main, or sewer line. Section 5 qUirements of this section. SIQNS, SEVERABUJTY <br />also prr.vides prQcedures '(or the SECTION 5. BONDS _ , The 'franchise mUs~ at all <br />raising and lowering Qf lines, . Group W must maintain With times be in eumpliance with the <br />trimming of trees, azid the rewg. the City a bond conditioned u~on 'n.lles of the Minnesota State Cable <br />nitiQn o-f potential liability for tbe faithful performsnce,q.~ Grq,lJp : Board and all laws, ordinam:es and <br />persons damaging Group W ra.e\li. W of the fl"aJlchise,; _ andJurtli.ei-: regulatiOlls of federal, state and <br />ties. conditioned upon the terms. lUld eity gnVli'Tllment relating to the <br />ARTiCLEV1. SYSTEM rf\<.luirementsofthis5e~~io!!, cable television'sysl4m and the <br />OPERATIONS (~chise. If any provision o[ tbis <br />SECTlON 1. INFORMATION : ARTICLEIX.DEFArJLT_{' fbml'.hise'is declared inva.lid or <br />AV AILABILI1'Y SECTION 1. NQTICE,' AND: void, that sectioll maY he st.ven~-d <br />City sha.1l have the right .of DeFAULT from the franchil!e with the re- <br />reasonable access to GroUD W's City shaH notify Group W:'in, ma,ning sectiplls in full force and <br />reenws. . writing .of violations of the fran- effect. If the City determines tllat <br />SECTION 2, SERVICE CON. ch'ise. Group W snall have '(,hifty a provision ,of the franchise is <br />TRACT d;jys to cure such -default Qr,-be "rfeeted by law, ordinance or <br />Grnup W sball receive ap. SU,tlject to the procedures, Ill' t,his regulat_ion" City shan Ilav,', tile <br />proval from City of the form and sei:.tion leading \.Q termina~ron; of right to amend. modify all<'r or <br />content of the service contract to the franchise. , repeal any prOvisions of the fran' <br />tw \\Sed priQr to entering into such SECTION 2, CROSSDEFAUL'r.' chisc to siJch reasonable eKt"r1t as <br />service contracts with subsl'.rih. UGroupWisindefault6fany neccssary to, carry oul tilt> io. <br />ers. of'the franchi.~es Qr.the,e.iti~'or tendedpurposesoltherranchise. <br />SECTION 3. SUBSCRIBER Blaine, Centerville, Circle;Pine:s; SECTION 6. GRANTEE <br />PRACTICES Coon Rapids, Ham Lilk_e,~,Le:dlig" ACKNOWLED~MENT OF <br />There shaU'be no eharge for ton, Lino Lakes, or"SpringIJake; -:-VALlOlTYQFFRANCHlSE <br />disconnectkm nf any insta.llation or Park, Minnesota, any one,.of thdsc - Group W acknowledges tllat it <br />outlet. Section 3 1Ilsodetails Group d~es may declarB Group" W,in has reviewed the franchise' and <br />W's right to disconncct for failure :1 default orall eight franehise~, that under curr'ent law Group W <br />lo pay the mnnthly subscriber :i ARTICLE X. FORECLOSURi!:, believes tbat the i>; not <br />fees. . ii' RECElVERSIDP AND unreasonable or arbitrary. <br />SECTION 4. FRANCHISE FEES. ! ABANDONMENT:: - AJ:tT1CL~ xm. <br />RATES. CHARGES, CHANGES j SECTION L FORECLOSUR(o';:;- ADMINISTRATION A,ND <br />IN FEES AND PROCEDURES; ;1. Upo~ the fpre_c1oimrecr jUdi. ADVISORYBQDY <br />"Throughout the term,of the ,1 cta! sale ,of .th.., SY$telll. the SECTlON l~ ADMINIsTRATOR <br />[raucnise, GrQup W shail pay to il\ provisions o. fthe francliise..g,.verfl- The City Admioistr"tor or tbe <br />City ao aonu;!l fee of 5%' .of all : Ing I'.l)llSCllt to tr;!nsier or'challge City's designee sh,,]! qe respons. <br />gross revenues. The r"tes pro- I, iQ ownershlpshllll apply. . ,'ib!e {or_the administratioll of the <br />vided,ill the francl:.ise sh;j;ll be ii SECTION2.RECEIVERSlinr< frillli:hise.'. <br />guar,u,!.eed for ::I years after the City shall 'nave',tberigllt, to; SECTION2. ADVISORY BODl' "- <br />franchise is certified by the Board callcel the franehise 120 daysafler The City may appoint an -: <br />or unti[tWQye:l.r& after completion the appointment o[ a receirer'or' advisory 'body tQ mOllit;or per. <br />of construction in the initial set- trustee. .. _' . fQrmllnCe 01 Gi-oup Win executing <br />vice area. whichever is longer. SECTION3.ABANDONMENT ;tbejJrovislDns'oftbl<fra!lchise. <br />Basic rates shall be regulated Gr,!up W may, notali,,"don SECTION 3. Df-I.EGA TION OF <br />pur$uant to the term~ and cvndi. any portion of the System wjth~ul AUTHORlTY BY Crry <br />Lions oJ the franchise, Rales for having given nolless than_three Tbe-City lUay delegate at any <br />premium sel"V~!\ may be nised mcnths prior noUce to 'City ani!- timeitsrightsorObJigatiQnsu,nder <br />fly Gj'OUP W to the extenL of the Minnelmta Cabl", C",mmunklltiOlIS the ftanchi~ to any body' or <br />Increase in the Consumer Ptice Board. 1\.llY such_ abandolllneot. Qrganir.atiol)', ' <br />Indel:, Any 'I< ratas in may be' dffflmed : a ' ,Clluse ,,[or. AnTICLE XIV. JOINT SYSTEM, <br />el:cess of the Consumer Price terminationefthli franchise. ACCEPTANCE.INCORPORA_ <br />Index must be justified to City ARTI~LEXI.PURCHAS,EOF TfONOFOFFERING_EXIDBITS <br />pursuant to standards &nrl pr()l'.e. . 'SYSTEM - ,,' ~ ,.i' PUBLlCAll0N <br />dures provided for in Section 4. SECTION 1. GENERAL <1 SECTION I. OTHER FRAN_ <br />The City retains the right, to The Section 'provides for the CRlSES <br />review the pecform~ncl< and ~eir.h- Clty's right to purcbaSe 'a system,. ' This Section acknowledges <br />nological upgrading of the Sy~tem. either pursuant to tbe terms and that the System is intended to he <br />GrOllP W shall exercise its best conditions ofa bQllafide purcha,se parl,,[a.jOintsysttmlwhichserves <br />effQrts ~Q mainlain a modetn, I' offer which Group W is willing to the cities of Blaine, Center\llUe, <br />state'Qf-the-.u:l System wliich, is accept regarding tile sys~el!J; llr in Circle Pines, Coon Rapids, H"m <br />_comp_aral1le tQ, other op,eratlljg . tIJe event Gf forfeiWre, re.vocatiollo- Lake, LexingtQn, Lino Lakes, 3Ild <br />cable television sn,ten\s simiJ;\rly 1 oJ termjnati?n of the franc-hise, ,,-, Spring Lake Pl1l'k, Minnesota, anu <br />situated.' _"" ;"_., L ~EcrION Z, PHOCEDUm::S '~,' that'GrnuJiW sHall c(>mpJy with all <br />~mC'1'ION-"---1l, " - F~NCHISIi'....-~__,_ ,---'r-hl':VfllCl<d-ul'Ol8.foI:__theJiity's- "'Khl (ranehi~j,l' of lhe ;lbove. <br />RENEW.<\l:i. "?':'''''''''"i\1i'.1''''''''''''~'~'''~?''';~iWi:'tion--~;;,. <br />The !rari,,:may'be:, re'.:) P'brehase. <br />-: newed atany;ti.m~for,a,periQd__~.f:.'t8ltliid.:iil; <br />. uptofi[t~nY\1a:l":s_ot\qnay:earto, <br />yeat-baaisatthedisez:etiono;ifthii, <br />.City, ,'-,'_< '.-'_':- _"_":'-":> <br />ARTiCLEVn. tReH'~~h . <br />ARTJCL.i!:, VIIL INOI:MNW~ <br />CATlON;INSYRANCE::,_:X:~F <br />LETFEU Qf' C:RED1'f ANt):", <br />_' ,-, ,_ BO~D;{.",:: ." <br />SECTION 1. GENE - <br />ThE. City rei:.iiinsai <br />indcn1.nification"insut" <br />ofcredilorbolldasp,' <br />franchiSe. ..":,' ,,' <br />SECTJON 2',,:, IN <br />TION AND INsun <br />GroupW)bail'f <br />fY,defendand)old <br />lInd ali of' <br />ag{!.llts, ,and e?\pioyees:Iiti <br />1itY$.lldjUdgnl_;'ntsfot';.~\l)_l\' <br />connectlQn with: Damage'to,j:uir_: <br />son8er property, any claim arising <br />.' o~t of _the fr~1'if!'%l;:r~'-l~~'i~_ <br />fallure to comply wl~n 'prpvislonS/, <br />of tile franl'.hiile, o( any claim'\',~~ <br />Group W may have against City,tilpan the <br />SECTION 3. INSURANCE, c', " :,: di. the f <br />Grnup W shallm:lintaln liaoi]. .; i~rms, . ahd <br />ityinsur"nceiortheentireterm,Ql.'ii.:~tion," <br />the franchise [or "amounts,:,',,_BS !::_:;$Ei:i'fIOtjl:._, <br />specified in the Jrinichise:'!I1~'f : JroIWEIJB <br />pursuant to the miniqlutn'requi_~e'., -~"~(:r"'Gro1ip,. <br />mentsofthissection,'" ,::qityoftlie-_n <br />SEC1'lON 4, LET1'ER' OF ',jin,:Y"l1nUt <br />CREDIT , ",' /-"'.,' ;:";~Ne:h <br />. Group W shall;h~,y~ <br />lrrevocabl1'. and uncondr\.1onal L~t. ,I&l~n$ 0 ,e <br />ter of Credit. The Letter ~f Creim ;) 'ItO;'an;i en~lt <br />shallprovidetha.tfulldsbepJli,d'tO'i;;~:'~J!,aj;l~, <br />lhe City upon demand by th~ 9ty '-~!l9T~,:,_ <br /> <br /> <br /> <br />'t-' . <br /> <br /> <br />.~::. <br /> <br />