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<br />Minnesota Statutes 2001, 427.07 <br /> <br />Mi.nnesoThS1atu~s2Q!)L Iahk.9LChapJefs <br /> <br />Iable.9[~Qnten,ts..foLCl1flpJeL42Z <br /> <br />427.07 Withdrawal of funds. <br /> <br />The treasurer of any city, who has city funds deposited in <br />accordance with sections :!=_~.7__':....Q2_ to 427.07, shall, when notified <br />so to do by the sureties on the treasurerls official bond or by <br />che council of che cicy, withdraw all funds from any designaced <br />deposicory and it shall be che duty of the city comptroller or <br />other recording officer of such city to countersign all checks <br />for such withdrawal. The city treasurer shall thereupon, upon <br />such withdrawal, notify the council of the city thereof and <br />thenceforth the city treasurer shall d~posit no more funds in <br />the depository until authorized so to do by che council of the <br />city. Upon this withdrawal, it shall be che duty of the council <br />of the city to proceed forthwith to redesignate, in accordance <br />with the provisions of sections i~7~Q~ to 427.07. <br /> <br />HIST: (1332) 1907 c 17 s 6; 1986 c 444 <br /> <br />Copyright 2001 by the Office of Revisor of Statutes, State of Minnesota. <br /> <br /> <br /> <br />Page ] of 1 <br /> <br />. <br /> <br />9/13/2002 <br />