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<br />Minnesota Statutes 2001, 471.381 <br /> <br />Mjmw~QJ:<!Al(lllJ1gs_~QOJ~I1!blgQfChilP-1~rll <br /> <br />I@1~QfQ9JJl~nt~fuI{;ham~L471 <br /> <br />471.381 City and county obligations and payments. <br /> <br />Subdivision 1. Payment methods. Payments of claims <br />and obligations of a statutory or home rule charter city or <br />county may be made by warrant, check, or all forms of electronic <br />or wire funds transfer. If the city or county may make <br />investments, it may make electronic or wire transfers of funds <br />notwithstanding any other law to the contrary. <br /> <br />Subd. 2. Authority to accept payment by credit card or <br />other methods. A statutory or home r~le charter city or a <br />county may accept payment by use of a credit card, debit card, <br />or all forms of electronic or wire funds transfer. Subject to <br />any other law to the contrary, the city or county may add to the <br />amount due a service charge for the acceptance of a payment <br />method authorized in this subdivision. The city or county shall <br />adopt policies and procedures regarding the payments. The <br />payment of property taxes by credit card is subject to section <br />~~7.6.,~ ~ . <br /> <br />Subd. 3. Electronic approval. "Electronic approvalJl <br />means any electronic identifier intended by the person making, <br />executing, or adopting it to authenticate and validate a city or <br />county administrative action. Notwithstanding any other general <br />or special law to the contrary, a statutory or home rule charter <br />city or a county may use electronic approvals, which have the <br />same validity and consequences as an actual signature. The city <br />or county must establish policies and procedures to ensure the <br />validity of electronic approvals. <br /> <br />HIST: 2001 C 13 s 2 <br /> <br />Copyright 2002 by the Office of Revisor of Statutes, State of Minnesota. <br /> <br /> <br /> <br />Page 1 of 1 <br /> <br />1 <br /> <br />. <br /> <br />9 <br /> <br />