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<br />city of Centerville Ord #24 <br />Effective: 10/21/99 <br /> <br />date notice is sent to the owner. Seizure may be appealed to district court by serving a summons and <br />petition upon the City and filing it with the district court. <br /> <br />24.19 Reclaiming Animals. A dangerous or potentially dangerous animal seized under this <br />Ordinance, may be reclaimed by the owner of the animal upon payment ofimpouQding and boarding <br />tees, and presenting proof to animal control that all requirements set forth by City Council order are <br />fulfilled. An animal not reclaimed under this section within fourteen (I 4) days may be destroyed with, <br />the owner liable to animal control for costs incurred. <br /> <br />24.20 Summary Destruction. Whenever an animal control officer or police officer determines that <br />any animal presents an immediate threat to the safety of any person, after making reasonable attempt <br />to impound such animal, said officer is hereby authorized to destroy such animal in the interests of <br />public safety. <br /> <br />24.21 Enforeing Officer. The Council is hereby authorized to appoint an animal control officer(s) <br />to enforce the provisions of this Ordinance. In the officer's duty of enforcing the provisions of this <br />Ordinance, he or she may from time to time, with the consent of the Council, designate assistants. <br />The provisions of this chapter may be enforced by any of the following: <br /> <br />(1) The primary law enforcement agency of the community. <br />(2) The law enforcement agency contracted with by the City. <br />(3) The animal control officer as designated by the City. <br />(4) The animal control :fucility contracted with by the City. <br /> <br />24.22 Interference with Officers. No person shall in any maJ111el" molest, hinder, or interfere with <br />any person authorized by the Council to capture dogs, cats or other animals and convey them to the <br />pound while engaged in such operation. Nor shall any unauthorized person break open the pound, or <br />attempt to do so, or take or attempt to take from any agent any animal taken up by him or her in <br />compliance with this Ordinance, or in any other manner to interfere with or hinder such officer in the <br />discharge ofhis or her duties under this Ordinance. <br /> <br />24.23 Existing Permits. Animal owners that have life time permits for their animal are grand <br />futhered in as part of this ordinance as long as the owner shows proof every two years that the animal <br />has shots within that period and provided the address of the owner remains the same. lfthe owner <br />does not provide the vaccination record every two years, they will no longer be considered grand <br />:fathered in as part of this ordinance and will be required to obtain an animal license every two years <br />with the tee set by Council. <br /> <br />24.24 Penalty Violations of this Chapter. Any violation of this Ordinance is a miWf.........tV\r. Each <br />day on which said violation continues shall constitute a separate violation. <br /> <br />24.25 Repealer. On the effective date hereof, Centerville Ordinance Number 24-Adated September <br />25, 1985 and Ordinance Number 24-B dated December 23, 1985 is repealed. <br /> <br />Page 15 of 16 <br />