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<br />~ Metropolitan Council <br />~ Improte rP{Jkmnt ~ompt!titiIJene5S in 0 globc:Jl economv <br /> <br />Environmental Services <br /> <br />December 6, 2001 <br /> <br />District Administrator <br />Rice Creek Watershed District <br />3585 Lexington Avenue North, Stute 330 <br />Arden Hills, Minnesota 55126-8056 <br /> <br />RB: City of Centerville <br />Surface Water Management Plan <br />Metropoli1an Council Referral File No. 16466-6 <br /> <br />1 <br /> <br />Council staffhas completed its review of the City's Second Draft Surface Water <br />Management Plan in accordance v.ith Minnesota Statutes Section 103B.235, Subdivision <br />3a. <br /> <br />2 <br /> <br />General <br />The first paragraph on page I-I of the draft document makes reference to a revised <br />oompfehensive plan for the city. The City's plan was presented to the Council ilJ October <br />of 1997. The final plan should (instead) include in the Executive Summazy, the date <br />when the city put its revised comprehensive plan into effect <br /> <br />Thc draft document makes reference on page 6-3 to Chapter 4.l of the MPCA's best <br />3 management practices manual. The manual's March 2000 revision has relocated the <br />discussion on detention ponds to Chapter 5. We suggest the final plan simply refer to the <br />documcnt without reference to any specific chapter. <br /> <br />Capital Improvement Prognun (CIP) <br />The draft document has identified four areas in the city that exhibit storm water runoff <br />problems, and has evaluated each of them as potential capital improvement projects. The <br />assessed priority and e:;timated cost for each project have also been presented in the <br />4 document The draft dOCUlIlent has not however, included a schedule for carrying out the <br />proposed capital improvements. Presumably, this decision is due to the cost estimates of <br />the needed capital improvements, relative to the limited ammmt of funds collected <br />through the Stormwater Fund. <br /> <br />The final document needs further revision to indicate how much of the Stonnwater FWld <br />monies will be needed to maintain the city's stonn water system, and how much, will be <br />5 available over the next five years for the unscheduled elF projects. The final document <br />~hould include the Maintenance Plan Budget discussed on page 6-4 ofthe draft, as well as <br />a clearer estimate of when the improvement projects should take place, as a clear <br />incentive 10 pursue the additional necessary funding in a timely manner. <br /> <br />www.met.rteoundJ.()rg <br /> <br />Metro Julu Urrt= SOZ-lS6a <br /> <br />230EastiltlhStreet.. Sl.Poul,MlnneBota.5510).l626 . {6511S02-100S . Fax602-1I38 . Tf'i.2,29-3760 <br />An J;quitl OpprNltOll/y brfll1lJllU" <br />