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<br />Minnesota Statutes 2003, 244.052 <br /> <br />Page 4 ofl0 <br /> <br />(ii) the offender's history of substance abuse: <br /> <br />(4) the availability of community supports to the offender. <br />This factor includes consideration of the following: <br /> <br />(i) the availability and likelihood that the offender will <br />be involved in therapeutic treatment; <br /> <br />(ii) the availability of residential supports to the <br />offender, such as a stable and supervised living arrangement in <br />an appropriate location; <br /> <br />(iii) the offender's familial and social relationships, <br />including the nature and length of these relationships and the <br />level of support that the offender may receive from these <br />.persons; and <br /> <br />(iv) the offender's lack of education or employment <br />stability; <br /> <br />(5) whether the offender has indicated or credible evidence <br />in the record indicates that the offender will reoffend if <br />released into the community: and <br /> <br />(6) whether the offender demonstrates a physical condition <br />that minimizes the risk of reoffense, including but not limited <br />to, advanced age or a debilitating illness or physical condition. <br /> <br />(h) Upon the request of the law enforcement agency or the <br />offender's corrections agent, the commissioner may reconvene the <br />end-of-confinement review committee for the purpose of <br />reassessing the risk level to which an offender has been <br />assigned under paragraph (e). In a request for a reassessment, <br />the law enforcement agency which was responsible for the charge <br />resulting in confinement or agent shall list the facts and <br />circumstances arising after the initial assignment or facts and <br />circumstances known to law enforcement or the agent but not <br />considered by the committee under paragraph (e) which support <br />the request for a reassessment. The request for reassessment by <br />the law enforcement agency must occur within 30 days of receipt <br />of the report indicating the offender's risk level assignment. <br />-The offender's corrections agent, in consultation with the chief <br />law enforcement officer in the area where the offender resides <br />or intends to reside, may request a review of a risk level at <br />any time if substantial evidence exists that the offender's risk <br />level should be reviewed by an end-of-confinement review <br />. committee. This evidence includes, but is not limited to, <br />evidence of treatment failures or completions, evidence of <br />exceptional crime-free community adjustment or lack of <br />appropriate adjustment, evidence of substantial community need <br />to know more about the offender or mitigating circumstances that <br />would narrow the proposed scope of notification, or other <br />practical situations articulated and based in evidence of the <br />offender's behavior while under supervision. Upon review of the <br />request, the end-of-confinement review committee may reassign an <br />offender to a different risk level. If the offender is <br />reassigned to a higher risk level, the offender has the right to <br />seek review of the committee's determination under subdivision 6. <br /> <br />(i) An offender may request the end-of~confinement review <br /> <br /> <br /> <br />3/19/2004 <br />