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<br />Minnesota Statutes 2003, 244.052 <br /> <br />Page 8 of 10 <br /> <br />supervision shall take into consideration the proximity of the <br />offender's residence to that of other level III offenders and <br />proximity to schools and, to the greatest extent feasible, shall <br />mitigate th~ concentration of level III offenders and <br />concentration of level III offenders near schools. <br /> <br />(b) If the owner or property manager of a hotel, motel, <br />lodging establishment, or apartment building has an agreement <br />with an agency that arranges or provides shelter for victims of <br />domestic abuse, the owner or property manager may not knowingly <br />rent rooms to both level III offenders and victims of domestic <br />abuse at the same time. If the owner or property manager has an <br />agreement with an agency to provide housing to domestic abuse <br />victims and discovers or is informed that a tenant is a level <br />III offender after signing a lease or otherwise renting to the <br />offender, the owner or P!operty manager may evict the offender. <br /> <br />Subd. 4b. Level III offenders; mandatory posting of <br />info~ation on Internet. The commissioner of corrections <br />shall create and maintain an Internet Web site and post on the <br />site the information about offenders assigned to risk level III <br />forwarded by law enforcement agencies under subdivision 4, <br />paragraph (g). This information must be updated in a timely <br />manner to account for changes in the offender's address and <br />maintained for the period of time that the offender remains <br />subject to community notification as a level III offender. <br /> <br />Subd. 5. Relevant information provided to law <br />enforcement. At least 60 days before a predatory offender is <br />released from confinement" the Department of Corrections or the <br />Department of Human Services, in the case of a person who was <br />committed under section 253B.185 or Minnesota Statutes 1992, <br />section 526.10, shall give to the law enforcement agency that <br />investigated the offender's crime of conviction or, where <br />relevant, the law enforcement agency having primary juriSdiction <br />where the offender was committed, all relevant information that <br />the departments have concerning the offender, including <br />information on risk factors in the offender's history. Within <br />five days after receiving the offender1s approved release plan <br />from the hearings and release unit, the appropriate department <br />shall give to the law enforcement agency having primary <br />jurisdiction where the offender plans to reside all relevant <br />information the department has concerning the offender, <br />including information on risk factors in the offender's history <br />and the risk level to which the offender was assigned. If the <br />offender's risk level was assigned under the circumstances <br />described in subdivision 3, paragraph (d), item (ii), the <br />appropriate department shall give the law enforcement agency all <br />relevant information that the department has concerning the <br />offender, including information on the risk factors in the <br />offender's history and the offender's risk level within five <br />days of the risk level assignment or reassignment. <br /> <br />Subd. 6. Administrative review. (a) An offender <br />assigned or reassigned to risk level II or III under subdivision <br />3, paragraph (e) or (h), has the right to seek administrative <br />review of an end-af-confinement review committee's risk <br />assessment determination. The offender must exercise this right <br />within 14 days of receiving notice of the committee's decision <br />by notifying the chair of the committee. Upon receiving the <br /> <br /> <br /> <br />3/19/2004 <br />