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<br />compliant" if the local unit of government demonstrates the following compliance fmdings: <br /> <br />Compliance Findings: <br /> <br />The Community has an up-to-date comprehensive land use plan with a water resource <br />element and/or a separate local water plan (updating a community's comprehensive land use plan <br />for shore land considerations is an eligible item for cost-sharing under DNR's Shoreland Grant <br />Program); <br /> <br />The community, via an official resolution of the government body, makes a specific finding <br />that the goals, policies, and objectives of the comprehensive plan/local water plan and the 6 <br />provisions noted above have been satisfied; and <br /> <br />A public hearing(s) has been held and adequate investigations conducted to insure against <br />incompatibility ofland uses, both within existing land use districts or by land uses in adjacent land <br />use districts. <br /> <br />The Department of Natural Resources will request a community to justiJy land use districts that are <br />not substantially compatible with state standards via the "implementation flexibility" language in <br />Minnesota Regulations, Part 6120.2800, Subp. 3. While "substantial noncompliance" is <br />judgemental, the DNR would question the following types ofland use district regulations: <br /> <br />There is a mixture ofland uses within a given land use district that are incompatible with <br />each other (e.g., commercial use in a single residential district, commercial use in a special <br />protection district, etc.); <br /> <br />Not requiring a conditional use permit for a given land use where this is required by state <br />standards and is necessary to properly review and approve the development; <br /> <br />Allowing a land use inconsistent with a waterbody's classification; or <br /> <br />Having the intensity of a land use, and not the land use type itself, be inconsistent with the <br />land use district (e.g., mixing "single residential" and "high density residential" in the same district). <br /> <br />Section 4.23 - Inconsistent Land Use Districts: <br /> <br />Communities that do not demonstrate compliance of their existing land use districts must include <br />Section 4.23 ofthis sample ordinance. Communities can continue to enforce their inconsistent <br />land use districts, but the community must include a section similar to Section 4.2 of the sample <br />ordinance with compliant land uses which will be used for the long-term upgrading of these <br />inconsistent land use district regulations. <br />