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<br />e. That Seller makes no representation regarding future real estate taxes or assessments <br />for the Property, except as may be specifically provided in this Agreement. <br /> <br />f. That Seller bas not, and bas no knowledge that anyone else bas, used, generated, <br />stored or disposed of above, in, on, under or around the Property any Hazardous <br />Materials, as hereinafter defined, and bas no knowledge, of any Hazardous Materials <br />above, in, on, under or around the Property. The term "Hazardous Materials" means <br />any material or substance which is listed in the United States Deparbnent of <br />Transportation Hazardous Material Table (49 CPR 172.101) on the date of this <br />Agreement which is kept, used, or disposed of in a manner and in quantities which do <br />not comply with applicable laws and regulations pertaining to said materials or <br />substances. Further, Seller agrees that it will not use, generate, store or dispose of or <br />permit the use, generation, storage or disposal of any Hazardous Materials, as herein <br />described above, in, on, under and/or around the Property now or at any time prior to <br />the date of Closing. <br /> <br />g. That to Seller's knowledge, there never bas been, and is not now, on the Property any <br />underground storage tanks, wells or septic systems. <br /> <br />h. That situated within the Property is a water pipe providing potable water from a well <br />situated in Seller's adjacent pump station property to Seller's adjacent residentia1 <br />property. Said pipe will be cut off in Seller's pump station property and left <br />abandoned in place within the Property prior to Closing. <br /> <br />16.02 Buyer's Warranties. Buyer represents and warrants to Seller as follows: <br /> <br />a. The execution and delivery of this Agreement by Buyer and the consummation by <br />Buyer of the transaction contemplated hereby are within Buyer's powers and all <br />requisite action has been taken to make this Agreement valid and binding upon the <br />accordance with its terms. <br /> <br />b. Neither the execution nor delivery of this Agreement by Buyer will conflict with or <br />result in a violation or breach of any law, regulation, order, writ, or injunction of any <br />court or governmental agency applicable to Buyer. <br /> <br />SECTION 17 - APPROVALS AND ANNEXATION <br /> <br />17.0 I Aoorovats. Buyer agrees to cooperate with Seller in its pursuit of any and all approvals that <br />may be required to close the sale and convey the Property to Buyer. <br /> <br />17.02 Annexation. Buyer and Seller acknowledge that the Property is situated within the <br />corporate boundaries of the City ofLino Lakes as well as the City of Centerville. <br />Annexation by the City of Centerville of that portion of the Property situated in the City of <br />Lino Lakes is the solution desired by the parties. Unto that end, Buyer agrees to initiate and <br />consummate any and all agreements, or other such actions, as may be required to <br />accomplish said annexation. <br /> <br />C:l.Ilo<wnents and SetUngslTBell.dcr'Local Settings\Temporary _ FilesIOLIOD\Purcbase and Sale ofvaoant !oL07.22.()4.doc 7 <br />