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<br />l _ <br /> <br />F. A municipality may by ordinance furlher limit the hours of alcoholic <br />beverage sales <br /> <br />V. PERSONS UNDER 2t-ILLEGAL ACTS (340A.503) <br /> <br />A. Consumption <br />It is unlawful for any: <br />1. Retail licensee to permit any person lUIder the age of 21 years to consume <br />alcohol on the premise. <br />2. Person under the age of 21 to consume any alcoholic beverage unless <br />consumed in the household of the persons parent or gnardian and with the <br />consent of the parent or gnardian <br /> <br />B. Pun:basing <br />It is unlawful for any person: <br />1. To sell, furnish or give alcoholic beverages to a person lUIder 21; <br />2. Under the age of 21 to purchase or attempt to purchase or procure any <br />alcoholic beverage; or <br />3. To lend or knowingly permit the use of the person's drivers license, permit, <br />Minnesota ID card or other form of identification by II person under the <br />age of 21 years for the purpose of purchasing or attempting to purchase <br />alcohol <br /> <br />C. Possession <br />It is unlawful for a person under the age of 21 to possess any alcoholic <br />beverage with the intent to consume unless in the home of a person's <br />parent or guardian. <br /> <br />D. Entering Licensed Premises <br />It is unlawful for a person under 21 to enter an establiSIunent licensed to sell <br />alcoholic beverages for the pmpose of pnrcbasing or having served or <br />delivered any alcoholic beverages. However, no city ordinance may prohibit <br />a person 18, 19 or 20 years of age from entering an establishment to: <br /> <br />- Perform work for the establishment, including the serving of alcoholic <br />beverages; <br />- Consume meals; and <br />- Attend social functions that are held in a portion of the establishment <br />where liquor is not sold. <br /> <br />E. Misrepresentation of Age <br />It is unlawful for a person under 21 to claim to be 21 for the purpose of <br />purchasing alcoholic beverages. <br /> <br />F. Proof of Age, Defense <br />1. Proof of age for purchasing or consuming alcoholic beverages may <br />be established by one of the following: <br /> <br />10 <br />