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<br />Metropolitan Council - News & Info. Met Council Hosts Public Meetings on Regional Tr... Page 1 of 3 <br /> <br />~"Metropolitan ~~..'~ ~ . _ .~:... . ,J'" <br />....Council .~ iJIFfl!<0..... . ~../I...:, ::'t."~~1Y . j, .' '", <br />h_ r:;",~,.. ~""';:J!t~:" :Je~~ a_a <br />~~~~~&I' , <br /> <br />News Release <br /> <br />Metropolitan Council Hosts Public MeetinQs on Reaional Transportation Plan <br /> <br />Public hearing set for Sept. 27 at 5 p.m. <br /> <br />ST. PAULo-Aug. 31, 2004--With more people, and more people making more trips and <br />traveling longer distances, the Twin Cities is expected to generate another 4 million daily <br />trips by 2030, for a 37 percent Increase in travel on metro-area roads. Currently, <br />motorists travel about 56 million miles a day in the region. In an average week, the <br />number of vehicle miles traveled in the Twin Cities is three times greater than the <br />distance to the sun--93 million miles away. <br /> <br />SIH!.tl1!L2!1~9 <br />Irnill>PQJtilti!>n 1:'011&) <br />ll< details~!Lth!UlllJ <br />11!!.ll!'i!l.Q.J!n!lpYbli <br />infQ!'!D9IiQ!lme~tin <br /> <br />To help plan and prepare for growth in travel, the Metropolitan Council is updating the <br />regional Transportation Policy Plan (TPP), an update that federal law requires every three <br />years. The Council has adopted a draft plan and will take comments and questions at a <br />series of upcoming information sessions, with a pUblic hearing Sept. 27 and final adoption In December. <br /> <br />"The region Is at a crossroads with respect to transportation," said Council Chair Peter Beil. "While there Is no 'sliver bl <br />eliminate congestion, the TPP includes policies and strategies to help slow the growth in congestion and improve mobil <br /> <br />In 1990,30 percent of the region's freeway lanes were congested during peak periods; by 2000, the figure had grown <br />percent. In the Council's 2003 survey of metro area residents, traffic congestion ranked as the No. 1 concern, outpacir <br />education and housing. <br /> <br />"Growth is a good thing, with many benefits and positive implications for the region," said Bell. "But it also comes with <br />challenges, as anyone who sits in rush hour traffic can attest. Our goal is to help manage and mitigate congestion in tt <br />cost-effective way possible." <br /> <br />Policies in the TPP include: <br /> <br />. Planning and investing In multi-modal transportation choices based on the fuil range of costs and benefits. <br />. Encouraging mixed-use development in centers along transportation corridors that better links housing, jobs an <br />amenities, and reduces the need for single-destination trips. <br />. Making more efficient use of the regional transportation system by encouraging flexible work hours, telecommu <br />ridesharlng and transit ridership. <br />. Focusing highway investments flrst on maintaining and managing the existing system, and second on slowing c <br />. Building transit ridership by expanding the current bus system and developing a network of dedicated rail and/, <br />"transitways. " <br />. Encouraging local communities to Implement a system of fully interconnected arterial and local streets, pathwa\ <br />bikeways. <br /> <br />Council members and staff will be on hand at public information sessions to hear from the public and respond to questl <br />addition, officials from the Minnesota Department of Transportation will be available to discuss the update of their Trar <br />System Plan. The Council and Mn/DOT work collaboratively on transportation planning in the metro area. <br /> <br />For a summary of the draft TPP, or to view the entire draft policy plan, visit the Council's web site at <br />WWw~metrQ~Qun~i!&rg!pii!J1s1jn-9/j:mm;(1ortatilLI)/TJ'I'JZ-OQ'l/~!imm9ry,lltm or, contact the Regional Data Center at 651.6 <br /> <br />Public Information Meetings <br /> <br />. <br /> <br />. Tues., Sept. 7, noon - 1:30 p.m. <br />Association of Metropolitan Municipalities <br />145 University Ave. W., St. Paul, MN <br /> <br />http://www.metrocouncil.orglnews/2004/news_456.htm <br /> <br />9/16/2004 <br /> <br />j <br />