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<br />DESGRIPTION: Att-cU0/7JC/?c A ;1 <br /> <br />That part of Lot 14. AUDITOR'S SUBDIVISION NO. 46, REVISED, Anoka County, Minnesota,:'1 <br />described 8S beginnIng at the northwest corner of Block 1, LERO UX ADDITION; thence 'i <br />westerly along the westerly extension of the southerly right i}f way line of M Quod Trail as ..1 <br />shown on saId LEROUX ADDITION 184.36 feet; thence southerly and parallel with tile west ; <br />line of said Lot 14 to the northerly line of the public road (now vacated) as Shown on said j <br />AUDITOR'S SUBDIVISlQN NO.46, REVISED;thence easterly along said northerly line to the <br />west line of Block 1, said LEROUX A. ODITION; thence northerly along said west line of Block l' <br />to the point of beginning. Together wIth part of the adjacent vacated road. :; <br />Parcel1: ',1 <br />Tl1at part of the following described property:; <br />Th3t p'art of Lot 14,AUD1TOR'S SUBDIVISION NO.46,REV1SED,Anoka County, :)1 <br />Minnes.ota, described as beginning at the northwest corner of Block 1, LERO UX ADDITlON;"j <br />thence westerly along the westerly extension of the southerly right of way line of Mound Trail, <br />as shown on said LEROUX ADDITION 184.36 feet; thence southerly and parallel with the 'I <br />west line ofsald Lot 14 to the northerly line afthe public road (now vacated) as shown on \ <br />said AUDITOR'S SUBDIVISION NO. 46, REVISED; thence easterly along said northerly Une_) <br />to the west line of Block: 1, said LER 0 U X AD 0 ITlO N; 1h en ce north erly along said west lin e of <br />Block 1 to the point of beginning. Together with part of the adjacent vacated road. <br />.Lyj'ng}westerly, northerly and westerly ofa line described as follows: <br />;.c.:'~!",~::i:)': <br /> <br />~ <br /> <br /> <br />:,c,o'm,rnenc,lngatthe northwest corner of Block 1, LEROUX ADDITION; thence. westerly, on <br />'a,n\"a~ss~:m.e:~,~~e.~,ring,.alon,gthe;westerly extension of the southerly right otway line of Mound <br />',::fa,\il:;'~'SrS'hjow'n":o'n';:sajd LEROUX ADDITION to the intersect/on with a line parallel with and <br />!;"d"ista:n't 25 feet west ofttle west line of said Block 1; thence southerly along said parallel line <br />a distance of 105.70 feet thence southwesterly a distance of39.54 feet along a tangential <br />curve concave to the northwest having a radius of 28.00 feet and a central angle of 80 <br />degrees 54 minutes 45 s.econds; thence southwesterly tangentto saId curve to the east li(le <br />of the west 10 feet of the above described property; thence southerly along saId east line to <br />the west line of the east 200 feet of the above described property; thence southerly along <br />said west lin~ to the southerly line of the pUblic road (now vacated} as shown on said <br />AUDITOR'S SUBDIVISION NO. 46, REVISED, ana said line there terminating. <br /> <br /> <br />Parcel2: <br />The westerly 100 feet of the easterly 200 feet of the fOllOWing described property: <br />That part of Lot 14, A.UDITOR'S SUBDIVISION NO. 46, REVISED, Anoka County, <br />Minnesota, described as beginning at the northwest corner of Block. 1, LEROUX ADDITION; <br />thence westerly along the westerly extension of the southerly right of way line of Mound Trail <br />as shown on said LEROUX ADDITION 184.36 feel; thence southerly and parallel with the <br />Hne of said Lot 14 to the northerly line of the publiC road (now vacated) as shown on <br />D1TOR'S SUBDIVISION NO. 46. REVISED; thence easterly along said northerly line <br />west line of Block 1, said LEROUX ADDITION; thence northerly along said west line of <br />1 ,to the point ofbeglnrdng. Together with part ofttle adjacent vacated road. <br />rly and easterly of a line described as follows: <br />atthe northwest corner of Block 1, LER 0 U X ADD IT 10 N; th anGe w estefly, 0 n <br />,along the westerly extension of the southerly rIght of way Hne of Mound <br />on'sai(llEROUX ADDlTION to the in1ersection with a line parallel with and <br />of the west line of said B]ock: 1; thence southerly along said parallel line <br />ad/stance of 05.70 feet; thence southwesterly a dislance of 39.54 feet along a tangential <br />curve concave to the northwest having a radius of 28.00 feet an(l a centra-l angle of 80 <br />degrees 54 minutes 45 s'econds; ttl'ence southwesterly tangent to said curve to the east line <br />of1he west 10 feet of the above described property; thence southerly along said east line to <br />the west Une, of the east 200 feet of the above described property; thence southerly along <br />said wesllineto the southerly line of the public road (now vacated) as shown on said <br />AUDITOR'S SUBDIV]SION NO.46, REVISED, and said line there terminating. <br /> <br />. <br /> <br />Parcel3: <br />The easterly 100 feet of the following described properly: <br /> <br /> <br />That part of Lot14, AU D ITOR 'S SU SO IVISION NO. 46, REVISED, Anoka County, <br />Minnesota, described as be-ginnin g at th e northwest corner of B 10 ck 1, LE R 0 U X AD 0 IT 10 N; <br />thence westerly along the westerly extension of the southerly right of way line of Mound Trail <br />as shown on said LEROUX ADDITION 184.36 feet; thence southerly and paralle\with the <br />west line of saId Lot 14 to the northerly line of the public road (now vacated) as shown on <br />said AUDITOR'S SUBDIVISION NO, 46, REVISED; thence easterly along saId northerly Hne <br />to the west Ilne of Block. 1, said LEROUX ADDITION; thence northerly along said west line of <br />BlocK. 1 to the point of beginnIng. Together wIth part of the adjacent vacated road. <br />Lying easterly and southerly'of a line descrtbed as follows: <br /> <br />ncin 9 at th e northwest corner of Block 1, LER 0 U X ADD fTlO N; thence westerly, on <br />ed bearing, along the westerly extension of the southerly right of way line of Mound <br />sh..dwnol1 said LEROUX ADDITION to the intersection with a line parallel with and <br />25'_feetwest of the west line of said Block: 1; thence southerly along said parallel line <br />d'i~tanse-o'f 1-05.70 feet; thence southwesterly a distance of 39.54 feet along a tangential <br />:f:v-e,;,toftcave to the northweSt having a- radius of 28.00 feet and a central angle of 80 <br />ei:tf.e'~'s'~54 minutes 45 seconds; thence southwesterly tangent to said curve to the east line <br />}O~f::t~"~",we-5.t10 feet ofttte above described property; thellce southerly along said east line to <br />_:;?(,lh-:e',;.w:~e~tJine'ofthe east 200 feet of the above described prope(ty; thence southerly along. <br />~>t,x_5.a.fd;ivresLline'to the southerly line of the pUblic road (now vacated) as shown on saId <br />:":':';',':{;:,p'-',U-O.!.T-O R 'S; SU B D IV IS]O N NO. 46, REV ISE D. an d sa id lin e there term lnating. <br /> <br />. <br />