Laserfiche WebLink
<br />Employee - Regular: An at ~will Employee who has successfully completed all stages of the <br />selection process including the training period and/or probationary period. <br /> <br />Employee - Seasonal: A full~time or part~time at~will Employee whose appointment is <br />limited to a specific season of the year and is employed under the same terms and conditions <br />as a temporary Employee. <br /> <br />Employee - Temporary: A full~time or part~time Employee who serves in a position on a <br />temporary basis where no benefit eligibility exists and no credit is given for seniority. <br /> <br />Employer - The City of Centerville. <br /> <br />Hours Worked: Includes all hours that the Employee actually performs duties that benefit <br />the City, including: rest periods or breaks, meetings, training programs, travel between work <br />sites on a work day, time spent performing duties after hours or on weekends due to <br />emergencies (call backs) and any time performing duties outside the normal shift, even if it is <br />not "authorized." <br /> <br />Job Classification: A group of positions sufficiently alike in duties, qualifications, authority <br />and responsibility to warrant the same job title, grade and pay schedule for all positions in <br />the group. <br /> <br />Job Description: The written description of a job containing a title, a statement of duties, <br />authority and responsibilities of the job, and the qualifications and experience deemed <br />necessary and/ or desirable for the satisfactory performance of the duties of the job. <br /> <br />Lay-Off: The separation of an Employee from employment due to elimination of a <br />position: lack of funds or other reason determined by the City Council. <br /> <br />Performance Report: A review of an Employee's performance by the supervisor to <br />communicate an Employee's strengths or deficiencies, as well as expectations for <br />improvement. <br /> <br />Position: A specific job, calling for the performance of certain duties and having certain <br />responsibilities. <br /> <br />Probationary Period: A period of time at the beginning of employment (or the beginning <br />period of a promotion, transfer) that is designed as a trial period. The probationary period is <br />also considered a training period and is the last part of the selection process. <br /> <br />Promotion: An advance in position from one classification or grade to a higher <br />classification or grade. <br /> <br />R~ductiaft 1ft W-atk Farce: The sepltfation of an EmplByee ffflm empl") ineRt atle t5 the <br />sh5ftaj!,e ef "e,rk or funas. <br /> <br />Resignation: Employment termination initiated by the Employee who chooses to leave the <br />employment voluntari1y. <br /> <br />4 <br />