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<br />Deductions: The City will not make deductions from pay due to exempt <br />Employees being absent for jury duty, attendance as a witness, or temporary military <br />leave, but will require the Employee to pay back to the City any amounts received by <br />the Employee as jury fees, witness fees, or military pay. If the City inadvertendy <br />makes an impropcr deduction to the weekly salary of an exempt Employee, the City <br />will reimburse the Employee and make appropriate changes to comply in the future. <br /> <br />Requirement to Work Overtime: Generally overtime should be avoided; however, <br />all Employees, in all departments, are required to work overtime as requested by <br />their supervisors as a condition of continued employment. Refusal ro work overtime <br />may result in disciplinary action. Supervisors will make reasonable efforts to balance <br />the personal needs of their Employees when assigning overtime work. <br /> <br />6.7 Outside Employment <br /> <br />General: Employees must devote all work time to City business. Work time describes <br />the entire workday as scheduled. No work relating to outside employment or other <br />non-City business may be performed during work time. <br /> <br />Conflict of Interest: Outside employment may not present a conflict of interest, or <br />in any way jeopardize the welfare of the City. <br /> <br />Performance: Outside employment shall not interfere with an Employee's proper <br />performance of City duties. Employees are required to be available at all times for <br />emergency or overtime work as needed. With the exception of overtime work, <br />Employees should be able to report to work refreshed and ready for work. <br /> <br />Contracts with City: Employees are prohibited from working for any contractor or <br />company that has a contract with the City during the period of time in which work is <br />being done for the City. <br /> <br />Supplies: No Employee shall accept employment that requircs the use of City <br />equipment, facilities or material. <br /> <br />Compensation: No Employee shall accept payor compensation from anyone for <br />work done during time bcing reimbursed by the City. Employees who arc volunteer <br />firefighters shall: <br /> <br />A) Make up time lost due to emergency calls; or <br /> <br />B) Use accumulated personnel leave or other leave for such calls, or pay the City <br />any earnings received as a volunteer for such calls; <br /> <br />C) Unless authorized otherwise, only one Employee may respond to an initial <br />fire call. <br /> <br />15 <br />