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J. Oanot.. Res.tricted Access dedlcotl!ld to Anoko County <br />----------Denot.. line to tie IndMduol IotIl Into 0YIll"0Il plat boundory <br />- - - . - . - DfIflotee OroInolJ8 and utmty Eosernent or Utnty ECJsement Une <br />. Denotes 1/r Found Iron Monument em ICIbeIed <br /> <br /> <br />FOI'" the purposes cf thlll plat the North tine of OulJot -CO <br />Cl..EARWA lER WEADOWS; Anoko Ccunty, MInnesota, .. oaimed <br />to hcnoe a beorin; of N89"38'01"W.. <br /> <br />All mcnumenb required by MJnnesoto statute. whether <br />shown on this plot or not. will be set .lthfn en. year <br />oftha recardln; date of thll p1Gt" and IttoII be~ <br />by 0 1/2 Inch by 18 Inc:h Rn p~ marked by RI.S 41578. <br /> <br />NO~TH <br /> <br />l~ <br /> <br />KNOW ALL MEN BY TIiESE: PRESENTS: That JackSon Commercial, LLC. a Minnesota limited Uabmty Company, own<< of <br />the foIlo.wIng described property situated In the State of Minnesota,. County of Anoko, to wit <br />OUtlot C. ClEARWAlER MEADows, Anoka County, Minnesota. <br /> <br />Has caused the same to be 8UTVeyed and platted as CEN'TERVIUE TOWNOFACE PARK and does hereby dedicate to the <br />pjJbllc for public use forever the aWnue and the drainage and uUfty eosemenu as shown on this pfat. Also dedicating <br />to the County of Anoka the right of access onto County Road Number 54 as shown on this plot. <br /> <br />UJ <br />ili <br />:~: <br /> <br />In witness whereof said Jackson Commerdal, u.c. a Minnesota limited UobUity Company, has caused these presents to <br />be signed by Its proper officer this _ day of 200~ <br />JaCkson Commercial, LLC <br /> <br />:r: <br />,- <br />--, <br />~:~ <br /> <br />Chief Manager <br /> <br />Paul J. Keleher <br />STAlE Of MINNESOTA <br />COUNTY OF <br />The foregoing Instrument WOlI acknowledged before me this _ doy of 200---. by Paul J. Kelehel'", <br />os Chief Monagef" of Jackson Commercial, LLC, 0 Mlnnesoto limited Uabllty Company, on behalf of the company. <br /> <br />~ <br /> <br />Notary Public, <br />My Comminion Exptres <br /> <br />Cou.nty. MlnnesatQ <br /> <br />I hereby certify that I have SUf"Ye)'ed, an,t platted -the property d8scrlbed on this pkrt as CENTERWl.E TO'l1lWOfFlCE PARK; <br />that this plat Is a correct representation of said 8!Jrvey. thcat, all distances ore correctly shown on the plat In feet and <br />hundredths of a foot: that all monuments wDl be correctly placed In the ground 051 ;-aown; that the outSIde boundary lines <br />are correctly designoted on sold plat and that there_' are flo wet lands as iJ.f1ned In Mt'lneaota Statute.. See. 505.02 <br />Subd. 1 or public hlghwo)'S to be de~ated other ,than as shown on sold plat. <br /> <br /> <br />~~, <br />eaota Registration No.' 41578. <br /> <br />STAlE OF MINtlESOTA / <br />COUNTY OF ueYlJI:'po,_ /l <br />The foregoing SUrVe}ll;lr'S Certlfloate was acknowledged before me thla 1.2 't.J; day of (JI/~,J. J 200L by Jason Eo <br />R:P;: "'~(; 11. .... jj L I ""OOETc. - i <br />N~~~~~;~P(~~nesota n ~~I <br />My Comm1ss1on ExpI~Io".flt Pol) Pa04'6 .. <br />this plat of CENlERVlJi TOWNOffICE PARK wall approved &y the CIty Council of Centerville, Minnesota at a regular <br />meeting thereof held this _ day of 200__ and If applicable, the written comments and <br />recommendations of the Commissioner of, TransportQtIon and the County Highway Engineer have been reCeived by the <br />City or the prescribed 3D ~y period has elapsed without receipt of ald'l comments and recommendations, as provided <br />by MIMesata statutes. Section 505..03, Subd. 2. <br /> <br />By <br /> <br />No,.,.. <br /> <br />By <br /> <br />a"", <br /> <br />This plot has been d'ledl;ed Gnd approved this _ day of <br /> <br />200~ <br /> <br />larry D. Holum <br />Malta County Surveyor <br /> <br />E. G. fq~r> 4 eoNS, INO. <br />\.anc::l. EkrveI:Pr6 <br /> <br />~ <br />