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GO It. <br /> <br />~ <br />I <br /> <br />.! J. Denotes Reatrfcted Access dedrcated to Anoko County <br />----------O'"ou. tkt. to tr. ndl\llduallots Into 01II!II'dI plot boundcry <br />-. _. _. -Denotel: Orcil:Jogo Qnd UUlty Eosemel1f: or utility Easement line <br />. Denotes 1/X' Found Iron MOIlument as labeled <br /> <br />For the purposes l)f this plot tho North line of ()ulJot .~ <br />CLEAAWAD WEAOOWS. AnoIco County. Minnesota. It CSIlimed <br />to hlJWlll cJblJlrilg ofNB9"J8'at"W. <br /> <br />All monuments requfred by Wlnnaoto statute,. whether <br />Ihown on thlll plot or not. wll Ixt set within eM)'8Qr <br />01 the recording craw of this plat" and 8haIl be e'lIdenc::tId <br />by 0 1/2 Inch by 18 tIch hIn pipe lTKIrked b)' RlS 41578. <br /> <br />NO~TH <br /> <br />KNOW ALl MEN BY tHESE PRESEN15: That Jackson Commercial, uc. G Minnesota Urnlted Uabllt)' Company, owner af <br />the foI1o:w1nV described property sttuoted In the stGte of Minnesota. County of Anoka. to wit:. <br />DuBot C. a..EARWA TER liEAOows. AnokQ County, Minnesota. <br /> <br />Has oauHd the same to be' 1lUIW)ed gnd p/attdd CIa CENlERWLE TOWWfF1CE PARK and does hereby dedicdt4 .\1 the <br />p;ublic for public UM forever the avenue and the dnllnoge ond utility ~ents as shown on this plat. Nso dedicating <br />to the County of Anoka the right of access onto County Road Number 54 as shown on this plat. <br />In witness whereof sold Jackson Commercial, LLc, a tdlnnesota Urnlted UabUlty Company, has caused these presents to <br />be signed by Its proper officer this _ day of 200~ <br />Jadcson CommercIal. LtC <br /> <br />Paul J. Keleher <br /> <br />Chief Manager <br /> <br />STAlE OF MINNESOTA <br />COUtlTY OF <br />Trnt f(lt'eqoTng'umMt wm ~edged befcre me this _ da)' of 200_ by Paul J. Keleher, <br />os Chief Manager of Jodcson Commercial, LLC, a Minnesota United Uabnlty Company, on behalf of the company. <br /> <br />Notary Public, <br />My Commi$siQl'l Expires <br /> <br />Cot.!nty. Minnesota <br /> <br />I hereby certify that I hove eunoeyed' Omt plotted 'the property described an this plot Q8 CEN1ERWl.E TOWNOfflCE PARK, <br />that this plot is (I eorreet representation of sold ~y. that. all distances ore eorrecUy shown on the plot In feet and <br />hundredths of a foot; thGt all monuments will be correc:tIy placed In the ground as shoWn; that the oubkle boundary lines <br />are correctly desIgnated on sold plot and that tI1ere' ~ no wet londs as i;leflned in MMesoto Statutes, See. 505.02 <br />SUM 1 <<' public hlghwo)'8 to be dAlgnated ,other ,than as shOwn on sold plot. <br /> <br /> <br />~Q. <br />Ja E. Ru~ lqnd :SuMYor" <br />. esota Registration No." 4157& <br /> <br />STAlE OF "NH<SOTA . <br />COUNTY OF UJh.fl.Jt1J"..I" /l <br />The foregoing SUM",. Cert:lfl~te was acknowledged before me this 1,2 t~ day of (~:At-iuA-) 200L by Jason E. <br />R:p;,: 9J""7; h.. L ,,/J. '- I. BRlIXlETY....~" <br />N~~~~~~;{:YV~innesota == <br />My Commission Expl~h"'''lt ?'IJ p,bIJY . "". <br />This plot of CENTERwU ~OF'FfCE PARK was approved I)y the City CouncD':of .Centel"o'llle, Minnesota at a regular <br />meeting thereof held thlS ~ d(ly of 200_ cmd if appnCGbre, the written comments and <br />recommendations (tf the Commissioner of. TransportGtion and the COUnty Highway Engfnl!l6r hove been reCelv&d by the <br />CIty or the pres~ JO day period has elapsed without re<:eJpt of comments Ol'ld recommendations,. os prcMcIed <br />by "'IMeseta Statutes, SeCtIon 505.03. SUbd. 2. <br /> <br />By <br /> <br />No,," <br /> <br />By <br /> <br />Clo1< <br /> <br />Thfa plot has been checked and approved this _ cloy of <br /> <br />200--':""- <br /> <br />lorry D. HoIum <br />Anoka County Surveyor- <br /> <br />E. G. f;l1.lC> .. eG>N&, INC. <br />.l-~n<:leurve!p"6 <br /> <br />H <br />