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<br />CITY OF CENTERVILLE, MINNESOTA <br />NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS <br />DECEMBER 31, 2002 <br /> <br />Note 3: DETAILED NOTES ON ALL FUNDS AND ACCOUNT GROUPS. CONTINUED <br /> <br />Cash on Hand <br /> <br />Cash in the possession of the City consisting of petty cash totals $200. <br /> <br />Cash and Investments Summary <br /> <br />A reconciliation of cash and investments as shown on the Combined Balance Sheet for the City follows: <br /> <br />Cash on hand <br />Carrying amount of deposits <br />Carrying amount of investments <br /> <br />$ 200 <br />4,913,340 <br />1.948.422 <br /> <br />Total cash and temporary invesllUents <br /> <br />$ 6861 962 <br /> <br />B. Due From Other Governments <br /> <br />A summary of amounts due from other governments as of December 31, 2002 is as follows: <br /> <br />County <br /> <br />General <br /> <br />$ <br /> <br />10477 <br /> <br />C. Fixed Assets <br /> <br />A summary of changes in general fIxed assets for the year ended December 31, 2002 is as foliows: <br /> <br /> Balance Balance <br /> Beginning End <br /> of Year Additions Adiustments of Year <br />Land $ 27,450 $ 38,000 $ 1,175,850 $ 1,241,300 <br />Buildings 742,728 285,372 1,028,100 <br />Furniture and equipment 943,705 26,759 (682,628 ) 287,836 <br />Machinery 70.431 202.721 273.152 <br />Total $ 17843]4 $ 64 759 $ 981 315 $ 2 810 "188 <br /> <br />The adjustments resulted from reconciling the unaudited general fixed assets to the audited balances. <br /> <br />The following is a summary of proprietary fund type fIXed assets at December 31. 2002: <br /> <br /> EnteroriseFunds <br /> Water Sewer Total <br />Water distribution system $ 1,699,496 $ $ 1,699,496 <br />Sewer collection system 1.944.122 1.944.122 <br />Total ] ,699,496 1,944,122 3,643,618 <br />Less accumulated depreciation (211.405 ) (365.667 ) (577.072) <br />Net fIxed assets $ 1488091 $ 1 578 455 $ 3 066 546 <br />