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<br />City of Centerville <br />January 29, 2004 <br />Resident Input Meeting Miuutes <br /> <br />corner lots and the church's current water services and assessments associated with that <br />service. Mr. Peterson stated that the road should be brought to a typical size with each <br />side of the existing street being widened, and explained the Church's proposed <br />assessment. Mr. Peterson stated that the computation was based on an equivalent lot <br />basis. Mr. Peterson stated further research would need to be completed in regards to the <br />Church's current water connection and associated assessment. <br /> <br />An audience member commented that the downtown area had been requesting water for <br />many years and water still is not in that area and why is the City looking at installing it in <br />all of these other areas. <br /> <br />Acting Mayor Broussard Vickers stated that Anoka County intends on widening County <br />Road 14/Main Street in 2006 and at that same time, it would be the most cost effective <br />time to install municipal services to that area. <br /> <br />Mr. Theodore Hippe, 1833 Center Street, questioned whether the storm ditch would be <br />finished which stops three (3) homes away from him at Eagle Trail. Mr. Peterson stated <br />that he was not sure about the current vegetation along the ditch but would be looking <br />into the area. Council Member Capra stated that the current drainage is a beehive in that <br />area and council is looking at ways for residents to discharge their sump pumps into drain <br />tiles to assist in alleviating surface water. <br /> <br />Mr. Fred Curran, 6907 Oak Circle, stated that he and his neighbor paid for the installation <br />of a culvert located in his yard and the City has never cleaned it out. Mr. Curran asked if <br />the existing culvert could be relocated or extended to the rear of his yard. Mr. Peterson <br />stated that a pipe could be run the entire way. Mr. Curran questioned the method used to <br />calculate the storm sewer assessment dollar amount when everyone benefits. <br /> <br />Mr. Dave Lutz, 7170 Shad Avenue, questioned whether the City would dredge the ditch <br />or check the culvert by his home and if they would build a catch basin. Mr. Lutz felt that <br />residents would not be getting their monies worth if these issues were not addressed. Mr. <br />Peterson stated that they would research the possibility of including Mr. Lutz' <br />suggestions in the project and that the City would need to secure access to the areas. <br /> <br />Acting Mayor Broussard Vickers stated that there would be additional charges for <br />hooking into the water system of $1,500 and a water meter fee of $290 that are not <br />included in the assessment estimates. Acting Mayor Broussard Vickers stated that <br />residents do not have to immediately hook up to the water if their well is in working <br />condition or not contaminated, that a stub will be placed in their front yard. When the <br />current well breaks down or becomes contaminated is when the connection will occur. <br /> <br />. . <br />Mr. Lutz questioned the hookup fees and their purpose. It was explained to Mr. Lutz that <br />the fees for hookup assist the maintenance of the water system and infrastructure. Mr. <br />Lutz felt that the fees for hookup and water meter should be a part of the assessment and <br />it was not reasonable to him. Acting Mayor Broussard Vickers stated that the City <br />needed to maintain the infrastructure. Mr. Lutz stated that Shad Avenue was built in <br /> <br />Page 3 of9 <br />