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<br /> u.nuudited <br /> General Fund <br /> Monthly Financial Report <br /> Month Ended April 30, 2004 <br /> % of year- <br /> 33.33% <br /> MTD YTD Budget Variance % of Budget <br /> 04130I04 2004 2004 +(-) Used <br />Revenues: <br />Property Taxes 0.00 0.00 1,539,329.00 1,539,329.00 0.00% <br />Other Taxes & Assessments 0.00 43.00 500.00 457.00 8.60% <br />Licenses & Permits 5,27979 76,960.37 259,20000 182,239.63 29.69% <br />Fines & F orfeils 2,267.55 4,858.24 22,000.00 17,141.76 22.08% <br />Intergovernmental 0.00 0.00 116,223.00 116,223.00 0.00% <br />Charges for Services 54.53 7709 1,248.00 1,17091 6.18% <br />Interest Earnings 2,03552 6,805.89 25,000.00 18,194.11 27.22% <br />Miscellaneous Revenues 100,026.00 113,137.34 25,50000 (87,637.34) 443.68% <br />Refunds & Reimbursements 0.00 500.20 13,000.00 12,499.80 3.85% <br />Fund Balance 000 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00% <br />ToIal Revenues 109,663.39 202,382.13 2,002,000.00 1,799,617.87 10.11% <br />Expenditures: <br />Current <br />General Government <br />Mayor and Council 1,130.33 3,918.63 17,50000 13,581.37 22.39% <br />Elections 0.00 0.00 5,800.00 5,800.00 0.00% <br />Planning & Zoning 800 06 1,930.24 6,00000 4,069.76 32.17% <br />Administration 42,574.90 116,69447 286,69100 169,996.53 40.70% <br />Financial Administration 0.00 10,000.00 12,000.00 2,000.00 83.33% <br />Assessing 0.00 16,372.00 17,500.00 1,128.00 93.55% <br />Legal 7,53688 18,989.88 78,000.00 59,030.12 24.32% <br />City Hall 2,204.97 7,561.67 22,30000 14,738.33 33.91% <br />Total General Government 54,247.14 175,446.89 445,791.00 270,344.11 39.36% <br />Public Safety <br />Poiice Protection 40,77041 163,081.72 484,549.00 321,467.28 33.66% <br />Fire Protection 20,669.25 41,338.50 175,64500 134,306.50 23.54% <br />Building Inspection 3,09894 13,33640 150,621.00 137,284.60 8.85% <br />Electrical Inspection 1,591.20 1,591.20 10,000.00 8,408.80 15.91% <br />Civil Defense 10544 736.37 1,300.00 563.63 56.64% <br />Animal Control 000 121.96 1,000.00 87804 12.20% <br />T oIal Public Safety 66,235.24 220,206.15 823,115.00 602,908.85 26.75% <br />Public Works <br />Public Works 17,700.64 48,658.61 170,35600 121,697.39 28.56% <br />Engineering Services 3,040.15 3,69040 15,000.00 11,309.60 24.60% <br />Recycling 221.40 88734 8,00000 7,112.66 11.09% <br />Streets 750.97 (660.29) 21,400.00 22,060.29 -3.09% <br />Street Lighting 2,013.52 6,031.87 25,000.00 18,968.13 24.13% <br />Total Public Works 23,726.68 58,607.93 239,756.00 181,148.07 24.44% <br />Culture and Recreation <br />Par1<lRec. Committee 660.00 660.00 1,80000 1,140.00 36.67% <br />Park/Rec. Programs 0.00 3,080.22 10,012.00 6,931.78 30.77% <br />Park Maintenance 4,775.36 10,963.04 64,020.00 53,056.98 17.12% <br /> <br /> <br />5/5/2004 <br /> <br />11:10AM <br /> <br />budget Apr04.xls <br />