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<br />May 5, 2004 <br /> <br />BtlrtQlUOO. tto$eM. Ande"lk and A~I."e5 Inc. II an Afflrm;a"\Itl' Ar:dDn/Equlll oppDfUlnlty Empto7C't <br />and Empfoy.e~ Ownad <br /> <br />Prltldp./llll: ano Ci go"eSlroo_ P.E * Mitrv,. l Sorvitlil P.E .. GIClM R COO~ PE .. Rabell G Schun.lthr P.E .. <br />Jerry A BOUlden P.E .. Ml'l'k ^ HiUlSm1- P.E <br /> <br />Senior ConsuJUlI'1ls: RD~n 111 RO~M P.E .. Joseph C Aru:lerlik r.E .. Rtcl\iwd E TUI"Mf P:E .. $us.;m M -Eoorlln C t^ <br /> <br />ASSD(I~E. Prlnclpa,s: Kellh A Gordon P.E .. lkWerl R "/t:flfJ.rJe pe .. Rrchtlfd W FOSlet. P.E .. David 0 lO1kota. p.t .. <br />M,ittlill:l r R3Ufmiu1tll P.E .. ftd It Fk'ld ~e .. kd'll1etll Po MdeUon P.E .. M,lrt R Rolli PE .. Dilvid A BOIl(!SlroO MB ^ . <br />S\drtQy P. Wtlli<ttnSOn "'.E L $ .. Agnes M Ring M B ^ .. A.lliW' Rkl: SChmIdt, P.E .. Thon'Il\S W. Petenon. P.E .,. <br />James R M;diMd P.E .. MiJl!'J. B Jcm'c-n r.e .. L. I'hlmp GravC'111l P.E .. D.-Vlie' J Edge,ton. r.E .. Jsm.1ct Martlr1Cl P.E .. <br />ltlom<ls ^ syfto P.l; ~ lhetdM J )d1l1Slln.. 0.111.' ^ Gl"0'IA! P-f . Thom,1S ^ R'OLlSh.". P.E .. Ilobert J Devt1ry P.E <br /> <br />OCfkC!5: s.t 1"",-,1 'St Cloud kIKhestef Md WilltTl'h' MN.. MllwilUket:' W1.. Chit;)9'J Il <br /> <br />~,Ite. WWWb01\Cl'illOO<om <br /> <br />n Bonestroo <br />-=- Rosene <br />"Ii1I Anderlik & <br />1 \11 Associates <br />Engineers & Architects <br /> <br />Honorable Mayor and City Council <br />City of Centerville <br />1880 Main Street <br />Centerville, MN 55038-9794 <br /> <br />Re: 2004 Utility and Street Improvements Project <br />File No. 616-03-133 <br />Recommendation of Contract A ward <br /> <br />Bids were opened for the Project stated above on Wednesday, May 5, 2004, at 11 A.M., C.D.S.T. <br />Transmitted herewith is a copy of the Bid Tabulation for your information and file. Copies will <br />also be distributed to each Bidder. <br /> <br />There were a total of four (4) Bids. The following summarizes the results of the Bids received: <br /> <br /> ContrachJr Bid AmOllnt Alternate No.1 Alternate No.2 <br />Low Dresel Contracting, Inc. $1,629,911.25 $54,125.00 $11,160.00 <br />#2 Amt Construction Co., Inc. $1,712,011.00 $61,257.00 $244.80 <br />#3 Meyer Contracting, Inc. $2,072,785.50 $67,807.50 $1,224.00 <br />#4 Lametti & Sons, Inc. $2,174,935.00 $65,86000 $3,600.00 <br /> <br />The low Bidder on the Project was Dresel Contracting, Inc. from Chisago City, Minnesota, with <br />a Base Bid of $1,629,91125. This compaJes to the Engineer's Estimate of $1,750,000.00. <br />These Bids have been reviewed and found to be in order. <br /> <br />Dresel Contracting, Inc. has done utility and street work in other communities we work in, and <br />has performed well. We recommend the City Council award the Project to Dresel Contracting <br />fOT the Base Bid Amount of $1,629,911.25. <br /> <br />Altemate No.1 is the additional cost to inslll11 concrete sidewalk along the north side of CenleT' <br />Street from Centerville Road to Dupre Road. Our original estimate was $79,000. This issue <br />should be discussed further at the Council meeting. <br /> <br />Alternate No.2 is the additional cost to have the Contractor install the vegetated geogrid on <br />Heritage Street Dresel's quote of $11,160 far exceeds the estimate of $3,000. We recommend <br />not accepting Alternate No.2. <br /> <br />2335 West Highway 36 . St. Paul, MN 55113. 651-636-4600 . Fax; 651-636-1311 <br /> <br />I <br />