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<br />//-/ """"'~ '''''''''' <br /> <br /> <br />j' R Continued <br /> <br />,: YEAR 1898 <br />",C <br />(From "Superintendent'll Report", pp 53-83 <br />p5.3 "... .herewith. .for work done by and under your direc- <br />"tion for the year 1897. ....jl. sUlIlIIlary of which....follolfs: <br />" <br />..., . F <br />"Vadnais lnke weir, built for the purposs of measuring ths vater pumplld <br />"from artasiml wells. <br />"Vadnais lake wells, being two additional willIs that were put down thll <br />"latter part of the year 1896, but were not connected up with the other <br />"systelll of wells until this year; making II total of nine wellll th..t can be <br />"put in service when required. <br />"High service reservoir weir built for the purpose of me alluring the <br />"water that is pumped at the McCarron lake PUlllping station. <br />"Dwelling house at Centerville, built for the ,llngineer and keeper of <br />"the pumping plant. <br />"FenCing right of way on Centerville extension. <br />"Venturi metsr, on thirty-inch low BerVics main, nsar McCarron lake <br />"pumping station. <br />"Storage Bhed at 23 Eaet Fifth street. <br />"1'!iG item of relaying mainll is mostly for extending a district, so that <br />"it can be Bupplied from Lake Phalen, necess1tatingputting in of larger <br />p54 "pipe on SOlUe Btreets and the Bubstituting of cast iron pipe in place of <br />"cement pipe. All callt-iron pipe taken up well used an other streetll as <br />"required. Far same time past L<>ke Phalen hu belln supplying that terri- <br />"tory lying eut of Broadway (on law service), and the changell made 110 far <br />"extend the district BO as to include everything north of Seventh lltreet, <br />"Il~st of J~ckeon etreet and llOuth of Grave street, and if desired Can be <br />"extended west as far I/.S Cedar street, thereby add1ni: about fifty (50) <br />"acres to be supplied, and in which district there ars already about 240 <br />"consumers. By arrangement of the g~hs, the supply can be taken either <br />"from Vadnliis or Lake Phalen, as the condition at ths source of supply <br />"lllliY requirQ. <br />II <br />....., <br /> <br />p57 <br /> <br /> <br />BY <br /> <br />lA'. UF. <br /> <br />1 <br /> <br />10 , <br /> <br />20 <br /> <br />30 <br /> <br />"CENTERVILLE EXTENSIon ACCOUNT. <br /> <br />C~:NTEIlVILLE LAKE INTAKE PIPE. <br /> <br />"In my last year's report I referred only to the work 5S being partiall <br />"finished, and as it Wa5 cOD~leted this year I respectfully report as <br />"follow~, as to the nature, difficulties and cost ot the work: The work <br />"consisted of the laying of a thirt~B1x~1nch cast-iron pipe into Center- <br />"ville lake fOri distance of 814 teet, to be used as a suction pipe for <br />"the fifteen million-gallon pump. Far the ~irllt two hundred feet from 40 <br />"the ahore end Q.O dUf1culty was encountered, as hard clay lias found at <br />"grade line of pipe. But for the balancll of the distance a very treach- <br />-..cus formation was mst nth. which necllSs1tated ahoeting the ditch with <br />"thraQ-inch matched lumber, tourtelln to twenty-two feet lang, and not- <br />"witbstanding unusual Cue was taken in driving it, under runs frequently <br />"took place, rllsultiJ1g in the work being flooded, and causing considerable <br />"delay and expense which could neither be avoided nor anticipated. Thill <br />"work was donll bY~ay labor far $3,992.07, or about $4.90 per lineal foot, <br />.which price is for ~cavat1ng, laying thll pipe, and all piling, timber <br />"and other material Ulled in pllrmanllnt work, thill amount being $S20 leBll So <br />"than if the work had been done by contract. <br />