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<br /> <br />, <br />y <br /> <br />" <br /> <br />i <br /> <br />,B <br />86 <br /> <br /> <br /> <br />1 Jan. <br /> <br />(cont1d) <br />(From "City Engi.n6er's Report, PP 79-95 Wld insertsl (contld) <br />"CE~lTERVILLE LAKE EXTENSION. <br /> <br />1 <br /> <br />TAl. Rf <br /> <br />"According to m;y recollllllendation of last ye~ the Centervillll lake exten_ <br />"sion J:or the further increase of the water supply has been practically <br />"completed. .It conaists of a 42-inch wooden t'rom the Junction <br />"Chamber on thll Otter lake conduit to the pumping station at Cllnterv1l1e <br />"lake. It is conatl"Ucted with 2 x 6 inch staves of Oregon fir,' milled to <br />"conform to the exact form ot the .conduit. Tho lengths useli were from 12 <br />"to 22 feet, twenty-tive'staves completing the circle. They were held to- <br />"gethllr by one-halt inch atoel bands apaced .18 inches ap~ whllre the COn- 10 <br />"duit was not under pressure anli trom ~ to 12 inChes ap~ where under <br />"pressure. The ends of the banlis were brOUght together by a special clip <br />"anli tightened by a nut. The ends of the staves were uniteli by inserting <br />"s p~ece ot steel plate 1/8 inch thick, 11 incheE! wide anIi 6 inches long <br />"into a saw-cut at the end ot each stave.. When the staves were driven up <br />"it tormad a tight joint. The contract price inClUding excavation was <br />"$1.89 per lineal toot. Some difticulty was experienced with the founlia_ <br />"tion, ae the line crossed several'manhes. Several plans nre tried but <br />"the most successful with the least expense was to drive piles by hand, <br />"three pilEjs in uch bent, about three teet apartl and to build the condldt 20 <br />"insido a form tll8tened to /I three i.ncll Plank whicll formed a cap to tho <br />"piles. The plan ot thiB conatI'1.\ction is her~l'with sho1lIl. The conduit ia 'J~/.,. <br />"tigureli to discharge 15,000,000 gallons of water 10 24 hours and haa a <br />"gradll of fiWe teet trom the junction chamber to the weir chamber, or one <br />"toot in 2,000 teet.. The figured velocity is 2.4 feet when running full. <br />"There are Ileven manhOles, the construction ot which is tully shown on the <br />'''plan. The weir ch8lllber is a brick buUding 43 % 23 feet outside. The <br />"w~ter is forced from the pumping atation to the weir anli then runs by <br />"gr~vity to the Ott~r lake conduit. From the w8ir chamber to .the pumping <br />"station the pipll is under pressure anli where it joins to the castiron 30 <br />"pipe the pressure is 9.lJ pounda per square inch. The total cost ot the <br />"conduit and weir Chamber, inclUding manhOles, blow-otfs, etc., is shown <br />"in the accompanying table. <br /> <br />"PUMPING EtlGINE. <br /> <br />"The pumping engine, designed' to deliver 15,000,000 gallons ot water i.n /' <br />"twenty-tour hours, 11'118 built by E. P. Allis & Co. The contract price wae ~. <br />"$20,700. . <br />"The engine is a Vilrtical compound condensing engine, with single act- <br />"ing outaide packed plungers. The suction 'pipe is thirty-e1x inches in <br />"diflll4~r, WId the diecbargo pipe tbirt;y-e1x incbOll in diflllM!tor tor thirty- 40 <br />"fiv. feet, where it connects with the forty-two inch conduit, 1,500 teet <br />"long, to tlle weir cblilllber. . <br />"The PUlllp 1s reCj.uireli to holli a vacuum of twonty-one feet at the base- <br />Ament noor. Thill wlll give a total 11ft on the pump of fortY-five teet <br />"llJ;cluIl1ve ot fnoUon in the pump anIi dischargQ pipe. <br />"The test ot the pump haa not yet been made. It ia, however, running <br />"l1ucoooat'ully, and everythinS will probably be ready in about ten daye.oliThe costot the engine-houee and engine foundations wae $9,466. <br />