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<br /> <br />f <br /> <br />PAGE I <br /> <br /> <br />INO. I <br />SECTION -- <br />PAGE <br />C"IE I' <br />OY <br /> <br />TIfE WATEll DEPARHIENT OF 'rUE CITY 010' ST. l'.\UL- <br /> <br />EN/OlNfEAING DIVISION <br /> <br />UNIT PROJECT 011. lOCAlION <br /> <br />.1 \:";'.-i-"T(/ <br /> <br />,,,!'\ <br /> <br /> <br />'--' <br /> <br />YFAR'189h (cont'd) <br />----- -- <br /> <br />(:Frolll City Engillc"r':) Ileport (d..~ad 11;)'1. )0, 1394); (ccnt1d) 1 <br />''In aCCord.ulco wi tll your ins1..ructiqlls Il.Cld in PurSUilllocl of tb.. p.:>licy <br />"adopt"d for extending th(j draillllgo aJ'eli ct. the Vlld.nai~J l~o system, planll <br />"wId ddtiJuates of cost .....ere made for 'C(IIIDocting Otter lake with ?leasant <br />"lake by ffravity, and a contract has been let to P.H. Thornton in the lIum <br />"ef $3,U62 for doing the neceso~y ditching north of Pleasant lake; the <br />"preBent 10" level of tbe lll>~e atld the d"f'Y condition of the 1I'1ll'shaa afford <br />"in11 favor"bl<3 oonditions for doing the lOorle at th", present tima at a lIl1ni <br />"",um o;XOJnco. Tho balance of tha work can be done at less cost next 1181180 <br />"during- th~ BUlll.'\lflr lOOuthe ami tho "dl11tionul ~upjJly mad.. llvGilable by n61C1; 10 <br />"fall, or soon6r if cte/lired. This 01:tionsion will place under control an <br />"e~r~ency supply of ~bout 550 million aallons. <br /> <br />VENTURI W'rEll-. <br /> <br />"Under the direction O.r Ii resolution of tlla Board, a 16 inch Venturi <br />hJJll:)t..r has been purchased and plllClld on the low aervice aupply from lake <br />"Phalen in order to obtain an accurlltfi r.lBOlSUl'elll$nt of the "mount of 'll'atfir <br />"supplied from this source." ....... . <br />"To still further investigate the question of artesian Wlllls, for source <br />"of supply, two wells have been sunk at Centerville lake on the Rice lake <br />"system where indicationa Seem veri favorable for flowing wells. Well No. <br />"1 is a 6-1nch well sunk to Il depth of 55 feet to a. sand water belll'ing <br />"strata and hae & Cook Iltrainer 12 feet in lenith. The dailY flow from <br />"this well by weir measurement, was, fo,und to bll 60,000 gallons in 24 hours. <br />.1 Al~t~S I... hi 11.1 (...1. . <br />"Well No. 2 is /I 4~-inc I well sunlc wi thin a fO'f{ foet of well No.1, to <br />"a de"th of 400 fl:ot. ...... <br />". . . . il. considl:rilll>!: the illlpt'ovlIment of the Rice Lakaa 8S 8 source of <br />"p'-'!'lllanent supply, du!: donsideration should be gi Ven to the amount of watllr <br />"tbs.t CWI bs obt~llOd from thi8 sourCe. " <br /> <br />II;' series of exp()rim(:mts hav, been carried on with the wells at Vadnalll <br />"lake to determine what might be obhined frolU these nl.15 unrler vlU'lo\l8 <br />"conditione and wha.t kind of a plant would ba best suited tor this 10calit <br />"the present temporlU'Y plant bliling in such a condition as to require new <br />"works in the 1mmediatll futwe. n.... '''1. ;v. Rundlett City EngitlilU. " <br /> <br />~~ (Fro~ Attorney's Report, at page 1301 . <br />/ "'l'h, only roport which I have to make for the year 1894 is supplement <br />"to my last year'e report ooncerniag the Actions brought by tho Minneapolis <br />"111.11 company and the St. .Anthony Palls ft~tor company sga1ns'!; your hoSl"d,-' <br />.Upon these caees upon th8 applIal taken to the SUpr1l1ll8 Court, the decision 40 <br />"of the 10'/ler court in favor of your board WIi.8 af!1rllllld. ~'h.. plaintitt. <br />"have now appo81od from the judglllen 1.. ontere~ in the Court below and . " <br />"affirmed by the b'upr~1U<l Court to the Supr..m.. Court of' the United Statee. <br />II . <br />Respectfully yours, <br /> <br />p123 <br /> <br />, <br />/ <br />, <br />l <br /> <br />I <br /> <br />I' <br />I <br /> <br />p124 <br /> <br />'. <br /> <br />.... <br /> <br />" <br /> <br /> <br />B <br />),1 <br /> <br />\ <br />'~ <br /> <br />vADNAIS W..E WELLS. <br /> <br />TAl. <br /> <br />" <br /> <br />20 <br /> <br />....Il,... <br /> <br />~,..~ <br /> <br />30 <br /> <br />" <br /> <br />" <br /> <br />;..~.... <br /> <br />Iif.:.:lN T. C1lA\.IllEllLAIN, <br />CUl'pOl'..tivll AttoI'lJ,&Y." <br />~otlll Tho) Gntir\l tout of llr. nundlatt"s report, from which above lllt- <br />((cerpta &rQ quotlld, ie included in "APPENDIX Ol<' EXHIBITS" which 1a PlOTt <br />(hereof. The report is illUl!lillating in its discussions of pro blelll6 oJ: , <br />(supply and distribution, aM as to the constant. investiglltiolts)lfJde J",,} <br />(toward the solution of these problems. Reference thereto is reCOlIl1llend- 50 <br />(ed. F.W.G. 2) June 19 <br /> <br />,\ <br /> <br />t( <br />