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<br /> <br />-- -.. .........U4.&.:o.L...I. 'l/J' <br /> <br />c;l'l'Y 0,. "" j'AUL_ <br /> <br />~AGc; <br /> <br />.;jc;EiW~.:O> DIVISION <br /> <br />f <br /> <br />SEcTION <br /> <br />NO. <br />- <br /> <br />'AGE <br /> <br />IV <br /> <br /> <br />CHRONIClli Continuod <br /> <br />'. <br />( <br /> <br />YF~ 1896 (cont'd) <br /> <br />18 Yay Proceedings of the Board of Water Commissioners. (Minutes, Bk'C <br />p~ "The following bids were reoeived for drayage from Centerville Station <br />"to Centerville Lake and from City to CenterVille. <br />" Centerville Station to Lake City to Centervil1e <br />"iii. Feyen .... .99 2.64 <br />"C. Cardinal .... 1.10 3.35 <br />"On motion.:.. the contract was aWarded to N. l<'eyen." <br />p43 "The City Engineer presented plans and specifications for intake cham- <br />"bel' at Centervil1e. The SlllIle were l'fJact and approved and the S..cretary <br />"authorized to have specifioations printed and to advertise for bids. <br />"The contract and bond of W. J. Drummond waa presented and approved." <br />lNo. 16. 2 way 1896. 6" to 20" C.I.P.. Centllrvi11e] <br />p44 "The SUperintelldent reported h.. had employed W. Q. Stllwart alii a forelJUlll <br />"@ 2.00 per dar to look after the building IIIld repairing of flulllOs and <br />"Canals between Pleasllllt &nd Wilkinson Lake. Approved. <br />"The City Engineer presented a commun~cation with reference to the <br />"request of Dennis Long and Co. for chllllge of the patterns of bell ends, <br />"and submitted blue prints shoWing the same, recv~hnding that .the request <br />"be granted. Report accepted and adopted end the specifications modifi@d <br />"to correspond. <br />Jl~> ~ "TIlII ta1l91VUS Ili 118 'Illn pl"lIllbhtlla fOl"'<.6..rl'iIJ6I....a:S ealh.cillsieno!lL ~_ <br />"IlPpointeao~ict Court ot Anoka County for !ann F<lq"xrea for <br />"the propolled extension to-C-~le ann 'l'lil'oIl .cuowed <br />" L. G. BrOwning 25.00 c. B. 1'Ifmb.":t--~. Frank Hart 25.00 <br />"The bond of the St. Paul Foundry fOr-apl'eUlJ...,l:aetiagll <br />-"t"'llr 6enb~villo-L_. wa.a ~lIl1J/.hll llftll ijljll'lliu4. _ ____ <br /> <br />20 u.;y <br /> <br />From "CONTRJ.CTll MADE BY THE BOARD... .1896... ." (15th Annual Report, <br />"No.22... .Nic Nicholas Fe en dra I> e to Centerville.. .$620.53. <br />(From "LL'!T OF' VOUCHERS PAID... .. 1 ' <br />Jul 1896.Voucher 8098, Eat.No.l...........$151.99 (15th Annual Rpt, <br />Aug 1896.VolLCher 8185. Eat.No.2....,.......lBO.01 (15th " " . <br />Sep 1896.VoQcber 8245. Est.No.3,.......... 79.44 (15th . ", <br />Nov 1896.Voucher 8365. Eat.No.4........... 209.09 (15th II " . <br />' "Amount Pdd" on thia contract. in 18961 $620.53 (15th " ". <br /> <br />TAl. kif. <br /> <br />1 <br /> <br />o <br />-:..... <br /> <br />10 <br />(] <br /> <br />20 <br /> <br />pl8) , <br /> <br />C :.i <br /> <br />p41. ' 30 <br />p44. <br />p46. <br />P49. <br />p18. <br /> <br />20 ~ "No.2 ....Henneeae & Cox wooden Conduit to Caotervi11e...'30 8. 0 <br />(From "LXSr Of VOUCHERS PAID...l 9 ...", "....1 97"1, . <br />Aug 1896.Voucher 8181. Eat.No.1..........$3655.00 (15th Annual <br />Sep 1896.Voucher 82)7, Eat.No.2,......... 6128.14 (15th " <br />Oct 1896.voucher 8313. Eat.No.3,......... 3859.34 (15th " <br />Nov 1896. Vouchfr a3B4~ Ellt.No.4i......... 7059.51 (15th " <br />Nev 1896.VoUcher B417, Est.Ne.5,~~....... 2249.10 (15th " <br />Dee 1896.vouehllr 6477, Eat.No.6,......... 6307.19 (15th . <br />oJ u n I m.,Yf' ys,h !rJ.f~~.:Li~J:.f<Nll'llj( f/l1~J.' .~}~4':U- 111 th n <br />'J:m l~::Udl""i:".,. '150::>, r~i..l~:'.7 '; "'.,,,.lP.3Q,'04.SS- (;7,.) <br /> <br />(E~~) ;~;~~~:~~i~o~~;:C~: :il~4T::.: :;.j~~;~5 ;l~th <br /> <br />".'!"",um P"id''''''''' ~ C4.,J..w..(f'1 11911 _ _. .::..:.I.!'QQ.<;lQ(11rl.J <br />t 30,1 n>.3.J <br /> <br />Rp~. p44. <br />II . p45. <br />" , p4B. <br />. n , p49. <br />· , p50. <br />II . pS2. <br />II J p~. <br />J I).....:'. <br /> <br />11 <br /> <br />11 I p18, <br />· ) fiB <br /> <br />" <br /> <br />, <br />"II <br />...~'.i,:, <br />~,~,." <... <br />"'" ~'..'./ <br />~/l~<..<- / . <br />A:,:; ') ~ <br />Y"J?(:' <br /> <br />40 <br /> <br />)<, <br /> <br />.X <br />)( <br />