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<br />Management Discussion and Analysis - Continued <br />April 20, 2005 <br /> <br />Figure 2 summarizes the major features of the City's financial statements, iocluding the portion of the City government they <br />cover and the types ofioformation they contaio. The remaioder of this overview section of management's discussion and analysis <br />explaios the structure and contents of each of the statements. <br /> <br />Figure 2 <br />Major features of the Government-wide and Fund Financial Statements <br /> <br /> Fund Financial Statements <br /> Government-wide Governmental Funds Proprietary Funds <br /> Statements <br />Scope Entire City government The activities of the City that Activities the City operates <br /> (except fiduciary funds) and are not proprietary or similar to private businesses, <br /> the City's component units fiduciary, such as police, fire such as the water and sewer <br /> and narks svstem <br />Required financial . Statement of Net Assets . Balance Sheet . Statement of Net Assets <br />statements . Statement of Activities . Statement of Revenues, . Statement of Revenues, <br /> Expenditures, and Expenses and Changes io <br /> Changes io Fund Fund Net Assets <br /> Balances . Statement of Cash Flows <br />Accounting Basis and Accrual accounting and Modified accrual accountiog Accrual accounting and <br />measurement focus economic resources focus and current financial economic resources focus <br /> resources focus <br />Type of asset/liability All assets and liabilities, both Only assets expected to be All assets and liabilities, both <br />ioformation financial and capital, and used up and liabilities that financial and capital, and <br /> short-term and long-term come due during the year or short-term and long-term <br /> soon thereafter; no capital <br /> assets included <br />Type of in flow/out flow All revenues and expenses Revenues for which cash is All revenues and expenses <br />ioformation duriog year, regardless of received during or soon after duriog the year, regardless of <br /> when cash is received or paid the end of the year; when cash is received or paid <br /> expenditures when goods or <br /> services have been received <br /> and payment is due during <br /> the vear or soon thereafter <br /> <br />Government-wide Financial Statements <br /> <br />The government-wide financial statements are designed to provide readers with a broad overview of the City's fmances, io a <br />manner similar to a private-sector business. <br /> <br />The statement of net assets presents ioformation on all of the City's assets and liabilities, with the difference between the two <br />reported as net assets. Over time, iocreases or decreases io net assets may serve as a useful iodicator of whether the financial <br />position of the City is improviog or deteriorating. <br /> <br />The statement of activities presents ioformation showiog how the City's net assets changed duriog the most recent fiscal year. All <br />changes io net assets are reported as soon as the underlyiog event giviog rise to the change occurs, regardless of the timing of <br />related cash flows. Thus, revenues and expenses are reported io this statement for some items that will only result io cash flows <br />io future fiscal periods (e.g., uncollected taxes and earned but unused vacation leave). <br /> <br />Both of the government-wide financial statements distinguish functions of the City that are principally supported by taxes and <br />intergovernmental revenue (governmental activities) from other functions that are iotended to recover all or a significant portion <br />of their costs through user fees and charges (business-type activities). The governmental activities of the City ioc1ude general <br />government, public safety, public works, economic development, culture and recreation, miscellaneous and ioterest on long-term <br />debt The busioess-type activities of the City include water and sewer. <br /> <br />-III- <br />