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<br />2. Salazar Fence <br /> <br />Chairperson Hanson opened the public hearing at 7:00 p.m. <br /> <br />Mr. and Mrs. Pedro Salazar appeared before the committee and requested a variance to be allowed to <br />construct a six (6) foot wooden privacy fence in their rear yard. The property is a comer lot located at <br />7336 Old Mill Road. According to Ordinance #4, the Salazars have two (2) front yards. The Salazars <br />would like a variance to leave the north side of the fence facing Old Mill Road located where they have <br />already dug the fence post-holes. These holes are approximately one (I) foot into the road right-of-way. <br />Construction was begun without a variance and a Stop Work Order was issued on the project. <br /> <br />Mr. Salazar stated that he had contacted Paul Palzer, Building Official and questioned the positioning of <br />the fence and was told twelve (12) to fourteen (14) feet from the curb. He then split the difference and <br />installed the fence post-holes 13 feet from the curb. He stated the project was a three-step process <br />involving grading the lot, sprinkler system and the fence. He has the comer holes in and if he were <br />required to move them they would interfere with where the sprinkler system has been installed. <br /> <br />Commission Member LaMotte questioned the distance from the fence to the sidewalk. Mr. Salazar <br />stated approximately one (I) foot. <br /> <br />Commission Member Brainard questioned if Mr. Salazar was told he would not need a permit. Mr. <br />Salazar stated he was told if the fence was kept under six (6) feet he would not need a permit. <br /> <br />Commission Member Kilian questioned the distance between the curb and the fence. Mr. Salazar stated <br />approximately thirteen (13) feet. <br /> <br />Mr. Salazar explained that he has waited over a month to continue work on the fence and would like to <br />complete the project prior to the ground freezing. <br /> <br />Commission Member McLean questioned if the six (6) foot fence would cause visual obstruction. Mr. <br />March stated that the fence would not extend beyond the comer of the garage so visibility is not an <br />Issue. <br /> <br />Commission Member DeVine questioned Mr. Paul Palzer whether he remembered speaking to Mr. <br />Salazar. Mr. Palzer stated he did recall speaking to Mr. Salazar; however, the project was started three <br />months prior to the conversation. Mr. Patzer indicated he had stated, "twelve (12) to fourteen (14) feet <br />is typical". However, in this case the City right-of-way ends at thirteen (13) feet, eight (8) inches due to <br />the fact the street is not centered. Mr. Palzer stated his opposition to leaving the fence in the City right- <br />of-way. <br /> <br />Commission Member Brainerd questioned Mr. Palzer as to what his opposition was. Mr. Palzer stated <br />that there could be problems with snow plowing or if in the future the City needed to enter the right-of- <br />way. If entering the right-of-way necessitates the removal of any or part ofthe fence it would be done at <br />the property owners expense. <br /> <br />Commission Member Brainard questioned whether Council had informed Mr. Salazar he needed a six <br />(6) foot fence. Mr. Salazar stated he wished to go beyond City requirement to ensure the safety and <br />comfort of the neighbors and to provide a proper exercise area for the dogs. Mr. Salazar stated he felt it <br /> <br />Page 3 of 13 <br />