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<br />Chairperson Hanson questioned the status of the interior work. Mrs. Hasiak stated that the sheet rock <br />and insulation has been installed, but the finishing drywall has not been applied. <br /> <br />Mr. March stated that he feels the interior finish work meets the criteria required for a variance but that <br />enlarging the building does not. <br /> <br />Chairperson Hanson stated his opposition to granting a variance for expanding the building due to <br />setting a precedent for others to request variances for larger accessory buildings than allowed by <br />ordinance. <br /> <br />Dave Radeck, 6960 Meadow Circle, appeared before the Commission and stated that he drives past the <br />property every day on the way to and from work and the pole building is an eyesore. <br /> <br />Mrs. Hasiak stated the pole barn is in better shape than the house is due to the crawlspace's foundation <br />collapsing. <br /> <br />Chairperson Hanson made a point of order comment indicating issues relating to the civil dispute <br />between Mrs. Hasiak and the former property owner should be kept out of the discussion regarding the <br />variance request. <br /> <br />Mrs. Hasiak stated the house would not have been sold without the pole barn being there is no garage. <br /> <br />Mr. Palzer indicated the Hasiaks have the right to add an attached garage to the house. <br /> <br />Council Liasion Broussard Vickers questioned how long the building would be allowed to remain on the <br />property as a non-conforming structure. Mr. Palzer indicated under the old Ordinance #4 it was thirty <br />(30) years and under the new ordinance there is no timeframe. <br /> <br />Motion by Commission Member DeVine, seconded by Commission Member Sheppard to <br />recommend to Council approval of the variance to allow for the interior chanl!es provided the <br />proper buildinl! permits and inspections are obtained and to deny the variance request for <br />expansion of the non-conforminl! structure. Ayes - 5 Nays -1 (Brainard) Abstain - 1 (McLean). <br />Motion carried. <br /> <br />2. County Bank Variance Request <br /> <br />Chairperson Hanson stated he would prefer not to grant the variance and that the sign ordinance needs to <br />be reviewed and amended. <br /> <br />Council Liasion Broussard Vickers stated she would prefer to revisit the sign ordinance in depth rather <br />than grant the variance. She also indicated she believed it was the general consensus of the Council that <br />County Bank's sign would fit within the parameters discussed, however, no final agreement on changes <br />to the sign ordinance were made. Therefore, there is no guarantee the sign proposed by County Bank <br />would conform to ordinance requirements. <br /> <br />Commission Member DeVine stated he would like to amend the sign ordinance to designate a special <br />district east of 20th A venue on either side of Main Street to allow for signs such as the one proposed by <br />County Bank. <br /> <br />Page 9 of 13 <br />