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<br />It was the consensus of the Planning and Zoning Commission to reschedule the November meeting to <br />November 14,2000 due to the elections. <br /> <br />VI. DISCUSSION ITEMS <br /> <br />There were no discussion items. <br /> <br />VII. CONSIDERATION OF MINUTES <br /> <br />I. July 19, 2000 Joint Workshop Meeting Minutes <br /> <br />Motion bv Commission Member DeVine. seconded bv Chairperson Hanson to approve the July <br />19. 2000 Joint Workshop Meetin!! Minutes. All in favor. Abstain - 4 (Hanson. Kilian. Sheppard, <br />McLean). Motion carried. <br /> <br />2. August 1,2000 Meeting Minutes <br /> <br />Motion bv Commission Member Kilian. seconded bv Commission Member DeVine to approve the <br />Au!!ust 1. 2000 Meetin!! Minutes. All in favor. Abstain - 1 (Sheppard). Motion carried. <br /> <br />Council Liaison Broussard Vickers noted she was in attendance at the August I, 2000 meeting and <br />requested that it be included in the minutes. <br /> <br />3. September 5, 2000 Meeting Minutes <br /> <br />Commission Member McLean requested the minutes be changed to reflect his attendance at the <br />September 5, 2000 meeting. <br /> <br />Motion bv Commission Member McLean. seconded bv Commission Member Devine to approve <br />the September 5, 2000 meetin!! minutes with the reauested chan!!e. All in favor. Abstain - 4 <br />(LaMotte. Kilian. Hanson, Brainard). <br /> <br />VII. ADJOURNMENT <br /> <br />Motion bv Commission Member DeVine, seconded bv Commission Member Sheppard to adiourn <br />the October 3.2000 Plannin!! and Zonin!!: Commission Meet!n!! at 10:00 p.m. All in favor. Motion <br />carried unanimously. <br /> <br />Transcribed by: <br />Joan Lenzmeier, Recording Secretary <br />TimeSaver Off Site Secretarial, Inc. <br /> <br />Page 13 of 13 <br />