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<br />Wayne LeBlanc approached the Council for a quick review of events from the <br />Park and Recreation Commission and thanked the Council for the Park and <br />Recreation item approval. Mr. LeBlanc explained he had prepared a map of trails <br />throughout the City with the purpose of working with surrounding communities. <br />He indicated any questions on the plan can be brought to the Park and Recreation <br />Commission. <br /> <br />Mr. LeB]anc presented the Council with an article from the Hugonian regarding <br />smart growth throughout the City. He encouraged the Council Members to read <br />through this article and work with experienced professionals while planning the <br />City's future. Council Member Nelson thanked Mr. LeBlanc for his information <br />and suggestions. <br /> <br />IV. CONSIDERATION OF MINUTES <br /> <br />March 29. 2000 Council Meeting Minutes <br /> <br />Motion bv Council Member Travis, seconded bv Council Member Broussard <br />Vickers to approve the March 29, 2000 Council meetinl! minutes as <br />submitted. Nelson abstained. Motion carried. <br /> <br />V. PAYMENT OF CLAIMS <br /> <br />The City ofCenterville March 30 throul!h April ]2.2000 <br /> <br />Council Member Travis questioned the large Park Department bill. Mr. March <br />explained this was for park benches, picnic tables and park equipment needed for <br />renovations this spring. He noted it was purchased all at once to allow the City to <br />receive a 3% discount. Council Member Sweeney stated the improvements were <br />a goal for the Park and Recreation Commission to have it completed for this <br />summer. <br /> <br />Motion bv Council Member Broussard Vickers, seconded bv Council <br />Member Nelson to approve the expenditures for the City from March 30, <br />2000 throul!h April 12, 2000. All in favor. Motion carried unanimouslv. <br /> <br />Centennial Fire District Expenses <br /> <br />Motion bv Council Member Sweeney, seconded bv Council Member Nelson <br />to approve the Centennial Fire District expenditures. Motion carried <br />unanimouslv. <br /> <br />VI. SET AGENDA <br /> <br />The following items were added to the agenda: <br /> <br />. DNR Resolution <br /> <br />2 <br />