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<br />and stressed "no light pollution". Mr. LeBlanc will get more information/quotes for the <br />May meeting. <br /> <br />Trail Maps <br />The Committee was pleased with the maps Ms. Lien had created indicating the <br />easements, sidewalks and trails within the City. The Park and Recreation Committee <br />requested Ms. Lien contact the City Engineer to have him create these maps. <br /> <br />Donation ofLi~hts from Rich DeFoe <br />The Committee discussed the donation of the lights/poles from Rich DeFoe of <br />Waterworks Beach Club. Ms. DeVine explained that she had been in contact with Mr. <br />DeFoe who informed her that a friend ofhis might also be willing to donate two (2) more <br />sets of lights to the City, along with his. If this is true, there will be a total of three (3) <br />sets of lights for the ball fields. The general consensus of the Park and Recreation <br />Committee was to install two (2) sets of lights at the softball fields and one set at the <br />soccer field. <br /> <br />Mr. Larson mentioned that in the past, NSP had donated a pole for lights in which they <br />mounted a siren on, and questioned if possibly NSP would be willing to do the same <br />again. Mr. Peterson offered to check with Mr. PaIzer on the likelihood of this happening <br />again in the future. <br /> <br />Motion by Mr. Navin, seconded by Mr. Larson to recommend to City Council to <br />accept the donation ofthe ball field lights/poles from Mr. Rich DeFoe, at relocation <br />costs of approximately $3,000 to be deducted from the Park and Recreation's <br />General Fund, with a final installation date to be determined at a later date. All in <br />favor. Motion carried unanimously. <br /> <br />Public Works Liaison / Tedd Peterson <br />Ms. Lien explained that she had spoke with Mr. March regarding the possibility ofhaving <br />Tedd Peterson join the Parks and Recreation Committee as a Public Works staff liaison. <br />Mr. March felt the Parks and Recreation Committee should be able to call upon the <br />public works department at any time, without having a Public Works staff liaison. If Mr. <br />Peterson wishes to attend the Parks and Recreation meetings, he is more than welcome to <br />attend as a resident. Mr. Larson expressed his appreciation, adding that he felt it is very <br />nice having someone from Public Works at the meetings, and hopes Mr. Peterson will <br />continue to join the meetings. <br /> <br />Letter of Understanding to Anoka County <br />Mr. LeBlanc submitted a draft Letter of Understanding explaining the visions and goals <br />for future trails in the northeastern metropolitan area. This letter also requests any <br />contact names, grants or other funding possibilities be forwarded to the City. The Park <br />and Recreation Committee approved the letter Mr. LeBlanc had submitted. <br /> <br />NEW BUSINESS <br /> <br />4 <br />