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<br />. <br /> <br />Outdoor Recreation Grant <br />Ms. Lien explained that Mr. March submitted a copy of the grant application to the DNR <br />for the Outdoor Recreation Grant program. It does not appear that there will be funding <br />available this year. However, they do encourage communities to submit applications to <br />help show the Legislature the need for future funding for municipal park improvement <br />projects. <br /> <br />AcceDtance/Denial Letters to Mr. LeBlanc and Mr. Peterson <br />Ms. Lien explained that unfortunately, no one had contacted Mr. LeBlanc informing him <br />ofhis acceptance to the Park and Recreation Conunittee, nor was a letter of denial sent to <br />Mr. Peterson. Since they both were in attendance, the committee expressed their <br />apologies and thanked Mr. LeBlanc and Mr. Peterson for their interest in the Park and <br />Recreation Conunittee. <br /> <br />Ms. DeVine expressed her concern over who exactly is supposed to be the contact person <br />at City Hall for the Park and Recreation Committee. More specifically, she would like to <br />see all phone calls, correspondence, documentation, flyers, quoteslbids, etc., be <br />forwarded to Ms. Lien's attention - since she is the staff liaison for Park and Recreation. <br />The Conunittee agreed, directing City Staff to make any/all inquiries, correspondence, <br />quotes, etc. be sent to the attention of Ms. Lien. <br /> <br />Mav Agenda <br />I. Set Date of Dedication of Laurie LaMotte Park <br />2. Goals <br />a. Trees and Satellites - Dale Larson <br />b. Eagle Park Lighting - Wayne LeBlanc <br />c. Lawn Care at Parks - Michael Navin <br />d. Donation of Lights from Rich DeFoe - Michael Navin <br />3. Basketball Hoops - Doug Porter <br />4. Trail Maps to City Engineer - Jill Lien <br />5. Letter of Understanding Update - Wayne LeBlanc <br />6. Letter to Residents around Eagle Pass regarding lighting of trail- Wayne <br />LeBlanc and Jill Lien <br />7. Concrete in Ice Rink at LaMotte Park - Jill Lien <br /> <br />ADJOURNMENT <br /> <br />Motion by Ms. DeVine, seconded by Mr. Navin to adjourn the AprilS, 2000 Park <br />and Recreation Committee meeting. All in favor. Motion carried. <br /> <br />Meeting adjourned at 9: 15 p.m. <br /> <br />Respectfully Submitted, <br /> <br />Jill Lien <br />Staff Liaison <br /> <br />6 <br />