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<br />CUSTOMIZE & BRIN[; A WORKSHOP <br /> <br />TO YOUR COMMUNITYI <br />Government Training SeNice can tailor any of these <br />workshops to meet the current needs of your community <br />and bring the program to you. You choose the date and <br />loca"on. we provide the faculty and materialsl Benefits of <br />this customized approach to land use training include: <br />.:. You choose the topics to be addressed by faculty-- <br />ensuring that current key community issues ale <br />covered. <br />.:. A diverse group from your community can attend at a <br />far lower cost than sending them to the open <br />enrollment workshops announced In this brochure. <br />.:. You are gUaranteed a date and time convenient to the <br />participantsl <br /> <br />Contact Carol 5choenE:ck at GT5 165 I /222-7 Ll09, MlnnE:soto <br />roll FrE:E: 800/569-6880 or E:-mall cschoenE:ck@mnglsorgl to <br />E:xplorE: thE: posslblllhes. <br /> <br />CONSIOERIN[; A [;DAL-SEnIN[; DR <br /> <br />TEAM BUILDIN[; SESSION? <br />GTS can provide facilitators who have extensive <br />experience working with local governments like yours to <br />lead a session for your governing body and/or advisory <br />commissioni We can facilitate a process to galher ciHzen <br />input, set goals. guide problem solving. help prioriHze <br />scarce resources, make budget decisions. or help <br />strengthen existing leams. This plOfessional.objective <br />assistance can be espeCially beneficial in times of tough <br />decisions. <br /> <br />Conlacl Marld 5i'1bi'llke <br />1651/222-7"109, <br />Mlnnesoli'lloll free 800/569-6880 <br />or e-mail msabi3tke@mngts.orgJ <br />for all \he defalls <br /> <br />.........................., ..................,..... .............................. ...................................................... ............................................... ..........,.......,........... ...................................... <br /> <br />2000 LAND USE PLANNING WORKSHOPS -- Mafch-May <br />Regislrahon Form <br />Form shoulD be DuplicateD when registering more than one person!! <br />Title <br /> <br />(Please pont or Irdpe <br /> <br />Name <br /> <br />Jurisdiction/Agency <br /> <br />Street Address <br /> <br />City <br /> <br />Daytime Phone Fax Number <br /> <br />Registration Options: (Check all that apply): <br /> <br />Annual Planning Institute: The Basics <br />o Morch 29 - 51 Cloud <br />o Morch 30 - Grand Rapids <br />o April I - Brookl~n Center <br />o April 20 - Brooklldn Cenler <br />Beyond the Basics <br />o Apnl 8 - Wlllmar <br />o April I 3 - 9 Cloud <br />o Mar~ LI - Brooklldn Center <br />Environmental Planning & Compliance <br />o April 6 - 9 Cloud <br />AdVanced Zoning Applications <br />o April I 9 - owaionna <br />o Mold 3 - St Cloud <br />o Ma~ i 7 - 8rooki~n Cenler <br />Building Community Character <br />o April I 2 - Brookl~n Center <br /> <br />How long In this position? <br /> <br />State <br /> <br />Zip <br /> <br />E-mail \II ,voil.ole,j <br /> <br />Payment Options: <br /> <br />o Enclosed IS check # In \he amounl of <br />S (pai=18Die to Covernment TrainlnQ 5ef\l/ce/ <br />o Please bill me at above address; PD# <br />lif appliCablE:1 NOTE An $8/aQency billing fee wlli be aDDeD <br />10 the amount oweD. <br /> <br />Special Needs (Must be received at least two weeks before <br />the seminar for which you are reglsterlnQI) <br /> <br />o i have a dieiar~ restriction <br />IspeClflJ <br />o I require some anClllar~ aids lie sign language <br />Inlerpreler, large pnnt. Braille materials, elc'! Please <br />conlael me al <br />[Circle one: VOICE or TTYI <br />o I require some o\her accommodahons Please contact <br />meal <br />[Circle one: VOICE or TTYI <br /> <br />Return this form at least seven days prior to the first workshop you are attending to: Government Training Service. L180 Cedar Street. <br />Suite LID I, 51. Paul. Minnesota 551 0 1-22L10 lor fax to: 65 1 /223-53071. <br />