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<br />3 Amended: 9/4/01 <br />2 Amended: 6i27/01 <br />I Amended: 1110/01 <br />Efl(:ciive 9/5/00 <br />City of Centerville Ord. #4 <br />industrial uses, trade businesses, machine shops and other more extensive land <br />Llses. <br /> <br />General Minimum Requirernents <br />The following minimum requirements, as set forth tlerain, shall apply to all <br />buildings that may be erected, converted or structurally altered in Industrial <br />Districts. <br /> <br />!"'ermitted Principal UsesfUses Permitted on Special Use Permit <br />As provided in Section 080-'100 of this ordinance. <br /> <br />Setback <br />See Table B- Schedule of District Regulations Lot and Yard Requirements. <br />In addition, side yards facing streets on corner lots shall be considered the same <br />as front yards. INhere a front yard or side yard of a corner lot faces a residential <br />district across a street, the setback from tile street shall be not less than 60 feet. <br /> <br />Building height in Industrial Districts <br />As provided in Division 115 of tllis ordinance <br /> <br />Off Street Parking <br />As provided in Division 90 of this ordinance. <br />In addition to Division 90: <br />'I. Space for a single vehicle shall be nine (9) feet by eighteen (18) <br />feet or larger. <br />2. Off street parking areas shall be surfaced with asphalt or <br />concrete, and with permanent concrete curbs to define driveways <br />and parking limits. Plans and specifications for parking areas <br />shall be reviewed by the City Engineer, and approved by the City <br />Council prior to construction. <br />1. All open street parking areas having more ttlan six (6) parking <br />spaces sllall be effectively screened by a wall, fence of <br />acceptable design, or compact hedge along all sides which <br />adjoin or are directly across the street from the property in a <br />residential zone or institutional use. Such wall, fence or hedge <br />shall be maintained in good condition. Plans for fencing shall be <br />approved by the City Council. The fence shall not be used for <br />adveliising purposes. <br />4. Parking constructed to fall within the minimum setbacks: See <br />Table A. <br /> <br />Page 38 of82 <br />