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<br />3 A.111ended: 9/4/0 I <br />2.olJ.l1ended: 6/27/01 <br />I .J..:mended: 1/1 % 1 <br />Eflective 9/5/00 <br /> <br />CilY ofCenterville Ora. #4 <br /> <br />Si!>c[ion '1 65-u30: Off"5tri:l8't Loading, A loading space shall have minimum <br />dimensions of not less th2ill twelve (12) feel in "vldth, fifty (50) feet in length, <br />exclusive of driveways, aisles, and other circulation area. One (I) off-street <br />loading space shall be provided ane! mainlalned on the same lot for each <br />commercial and industria! use requiring regular deiivery of gooc15 and having a <br />modified gross floor area of more than ten thousand (10,000) square feet. One <br />loading space shaH be provided for €lacl"1 additional twenty-five tllous;;md (25,000) <br />square feet or fraction thereof No off-street loading space shall be iocated in any <br />yard adjoining any residential use. Required off-street loading space shall not be <br />induded as off-strc"et parking space in computing required off-street parking <br />space. Vailidss utilizing such loading space shall not project into the public right- <br />of-way <br /> <br />SeiCtion '!!l5.!Y4!l: l~f$icti<:;n"l Space. When an application of the standards of <br />tills Ordinance V\litll respect to number O'f off-street parking spaces results in the <br />need to provide a fractir)n of one ('I) space, anyrraction of one-half (1/2) or less <br />stlall be ciisregarded and any other fraction shall 06 COllstrU6G as one ('I). <br /> <br />Section Hill-iHiO: Uses Not Mentiml<lct For any use not specifically mentioned <br />In the sci"leciule of off-stree:: parking and loading requirements, the number of <br />spaces required shall be that requir8d for that use named in ihe SChedule which is <br />determined by the Planning Cornrnission to be most similar. <br /> <br />Section .j~ll:.,Stij: Spaces f<0f Ftlve or ,'!m:m, ,~utomvbiie5. Parking areas <br />cons~sting of fiv'e or '(nore off-street parking spaces sh.all have individual spaces $0 <br />rnarked and st1all be so designed: rna:intained and nsguiated that no parh::ing or <br />JTlSH1GUVsring incidental to parking shall be on a.ny public street) \ivalk1 or alley and <br />so that anv vehicle nlay be par;<~~d end unp8f\<'Gd \J,/ith\~Ut lY10\riHg another. <br /> <br />Seciacn!l .~iM5....01~j~ IH1qp(GiVi6;{{Il'1;frt ;Bind wh~~rrteniVJnce. Required FJarking and <br />loading spaces, to!Jether with driveways, aisles, and other circulation areas, shall <br />be improved in such a way as to provide a duralJle and dust-free surface. All <br />parking and loading areas shall provide for proper drainage of surface water to <br />prevent the drainage of such 'Nater onto adjacent properties or walkways. The <br />owner of any parking or loading area shall maintain the area in good condition <br />without holes and free of all dust, trash, an(j other debris. <br /> <br />SGct~Qln 165""'uaO~ ~~cce$s. AJi off-street parking aress shaH have access 'fn)fn <br />driveways rather than from pubiic streels, said driveway access shall be limited to <br /> <br />Page 59 of 82 <br />