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<br />~~WI;"'=i""'lf.~~"';;~~;;'~'1~~~~~.,.M-'~ <br /> <br />''''~4>' <br />"''4~ <br /> <br />,:3,) <br /> <br />- . . <br />!.:.GGt C!f)n,:; <br /> <br />U';2' <br /> <br />>1 <br />"f <br />, <br /> <br />v ., <br />:, <br />.~ <br />~\\ <br />,J Ii I <br />II' , <br />L.. l <br /> <br /> <br />;::'';::,TEL ,b..: <br /> <br />'het ~)C;'~ '..11 tJov.etr; ,-;;::":Jnl: Lot ~ i -;~,;~::':::i.:)n <br />Jiin(k:so;:C (;;.:::scribe(j ;18 .fOI);)t-.,;:.::: <br /> <br /> <br />22, ~no;w COLn-~.>'; <br /> <br />;l:mrnencij-;g ,:It the nlcst 'vestat;y ,-,;, <br /> <br />;~'~j~~':rj;:nlii~J~" ,~$SS~~~8~;_,;,~~j~~-';~J '~~:i'-3;~~~~: <br /> <br />,y.:' i :";j\:::( <br /> <br />U.ino .s.unr8j <br />j 3 :',"'.i\lut9:;; QOseccnds <br /> <br />)"10 <br /> <br />-.:),(3; <br /> <br />:A :',,::et t~: .:m Gngle p:cint in SCl.,;ith;:;ll;i <br />ine; th€nc~ South ,42 degr:se~! 0 rTIinut~..:;s Ct!:) SBCCn.:1.';3 E:Jst 0100g sojd 20utheriy line CI <br />iistcnce crf 340,00 i;:;et to the H~5tcdy ~ine 'Jf .'3qj(iL"',:~~c::: ,~,; thence South 00 d;:;grees bO <br />ninute,s 00. seconds :Nest ,~jong _3.::~d 'N8StG:12>/ i.ine G:, <ist,':mG; of 52.00 feet "to tha' 'acstar!~/ <br />!xteri3H;nat the nCrtlieriy line 0t:rGCT. B, .-{~:::9ISt;;(?~Cl LJTHJ 3u/"vey No. 48; thence North <br />s?, degre'3~ '1 0 ~ :~dnl~~te~ 00 ,second.s. 'Ne_st d~)ng. scki~ ~?rth lire and It~ ea~terl{.. extel;Sion G <br />llstance of -106.00 i"eel.: to the pcn"':t:r:oegH1f:lng or t:;,~;. ;)toperty to oe descrm'ed; tnenc;~ <br />icrthwesterty" 72.66 feet along Q non -tang,entfeJ curiS ccno:::cve to th'9 southwest with 0 <br />;hord b€Grina. of North 60 deqrees '19 08 :3Bccr;ds West, a p.;]dius of 50.00 feet ',Jnu <br />'n ',~, C'UC'.:,';I.,i ';'''91<::> ;)i: 8"1:, .--i"'ar""~r-.'::' ~:; ~~;r'u+'-:>,~ :,;! ~;~''''i''''i''''d'~;'(-' ," ..."'.'i,7'....{ ;~~",.::.r~A. ,-l1......'Ct."f'::,. <br />,. " ....~ ....l'....~ " _".. '-l""....'....'-~ '-"" _, ".~.... '.'" ._"'"......., ~ ".-.....1 ,_"'. __ _. 'v.............. ........''f ...".., <br />nel1ce 'N€Srer1y 69.84 ie;~i: aion.; .:; reverse C:UF),~ :;OI1CQVi;: to the ilCtih with Q radius of <br />00.00 feet and c centtal cnqie ,::f 40 deg(ees CO minutes 50 seconds; thence )'<'lorth6'j <br />!e,gree:3 56 minutes 1:3 sG~;cnds West tongent t:> the pn;:i/1cusiy described curve '::1 <br />fistance Of 90.9,3 fe::;t thence ?/ester!y 9:2..38i'eet deng c tangenficl curve coricave to the <br />:outh with Ci radius OT 55.00 f&f~t end on ;nduded crnqie of 96 degrees "i,4 mfnutes 36 <br />:econds; thence .sou;:h 21 dBqr82s 49 rninut~s 11 ;3tsccnds West tangent to the pr:Bvious <br />iescribed CUr\ie a distanc-$ {)T'15...47 feet; thence iles.teny' :~;.7,77 feet CIOD9. a tangential <br />;urve GonCGve to the r:orth \vith G rGdius- of 38.00 feet Gnd an included ancle of'! 47 <br />legre8s 25' minute's 22 seconds; thBnc!,= North H) degrees' d,5 minutes 27 seconds, ~Nest <br />angent to the p(€vk;usiy described curle. CJ distance c,r 10') .98 feet; thence North 5 <br />legrees '19 minutes 42 seconds, East d Gistcnce O'r 48.; 6 n~et; thence westerly 88.68 reel' <br />dong' a,~on2enticl c;urve. cor:ca:t~3 to A the south ":;IJ,it,h U (~J':,:.Hj~S of, .35,00 and, a~ if1~luded <br />ing~e Of 14~ degrees 09mlnut;$sq.::>, secc'nCis; tr1efice ~outh .4(j degraes 09 'mJnutes 03 <br />econds W'3St tangent to the prevlcus desct"1bed curve G distr.:mc;e of 72.05 feet; thence <br />Quthwesterly 98. 70 f~e't dong c tanqerrtid curve GQnCG\!e t.o the northwest N!th c radius <br />if 65.00 "Feet end an inducad ong18 -of 6,13 degrees 3"; i711ni..:t,es '~6 se,conds.: thence Nort.;j ,c.) <br />,!earee$ 'j d minutes '2 '; seccmds \Vest G distoncB of 17,2.2 feet; thence South 30 degrees 30 <br />1lnutes 2.3 seconds '1ve:3t a:::Hstcnce ;f 'j ~39,,4.i fe,~t ':'r,':he 'Nest.:~riy extension ,:f the <br />'elther:y line of Tn:zcr 8, Registered Land. Survey No -"P3; th~nc~ South 89 degrees 10 <br />11inut.8S 00 38conds cGst '(1 distcnce ::::f 670.50 r~et to t~e point o'f beginning. <br /> <br />I <br />J <br />i <br />, <br /> <br />'l-( <br />.1 'i~ <br /> <br />I :,i!..RCEL d: <br />hat cart. ()f G,:;vBrnjT1~nt L'':::.t 3, S'dG'cicr ! ,i.. Tow!',s!".;;:: <br />Ilinne~otG described ,-1S follows: <br />I <br /> <br />;-.,:cnSB 12., ,ii,nd<,:.] C,'.::.;.~n'[y" <br /> <br />I :ommE.:ncinq,~Jt 'the ':l10St 'NBstBny cc-r-,c( nr ,. 'jet ... ;.:f.8'.jL:3t0n~~j L.:.:nd Survey No 48; <br />:1ence on <m GSSUfi':ed b~aring (yf Sc-uth aJ ~:~9r!!6S t e, (t~j'nutes DO ,seccnds Ecs::: ,:;Iens d~;:; <br />outher!y iine of said Tract A a distan.ce c:;T '),2::).uO ,;~;: to :::::n ::nqle pOHlt in sdldsoutherly <br />ne and the point of beginning c-f the prGperty to be descr;bed; thence South 42 degrees <br />C minutes 00 seconds East clcng soid sGuther!~i iine iJ dis,ranee of 340.00 f.Bet to the <br />I€:sterly line or said Ti-cct A; thenc~~ SouTh CO "kgrees 50 :1l1f1utes 00 seconds 'Nest dicng <br />aid, 'Nest~r!y line C! .:Hs~cnc:e of 52.0e re'et t.o the ~asterly e:<:ension .of thoa' northerly line of <br />ract 8, Reqistered L-Jnd 31.1('/..,<7,/ No. dB: th$i1c>.t Ncr.:h 8~ ;J$i.~n3:es '10 minutas 00 seconds <br />