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<br />~ <br /> <br /> <br />LeagUfI of M;nnuola Cilia <br />Citi.. ""," -0..- <br /> <br />Classification <br /> <br /> <br />Municipality <br /> <br />Date <br /> <br />Research and Information Service <br /> <br /> <br />~);'~"\OlW~pE o. 6~O <br />tr t''<''l:iTYO~ <br />,DAKO'l'.A cobNTY, , . ,'d, <br />.'AN ORD~ANCE AMENDING TITLE 3 OF TIlE. <br />. LAKEVILLE Cny CODERY ADDING __ ',. <br />"CHAPTER 10CONcE8.NlNG L1CENSlNliOF . <br />,~ PERSONS WHO ADMINlSTER M..\,SS,\(lES" <br />THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE ~ITY OF'. <br />LAKEVlLLE ORDAINS: '. . ., , <br />. S-t1nn 1 Title 3 ot the Lakeville City Code. is <br />amended I?y adding Chapter 16 to read: '. ,. <br />3-1ll-1: PURPOSE, .,", . <br />. .&tlia ~btJllmAnt. In order to protect ~.~. ~u_blic;:. <br />health safety, aOd weltare ..ud to guard agiili1St,the <br />ineeptlonand transm:iasionofdisease. the CityCoun~ <br />cil deems it necessary to provide ~o~ the re~UoQ <br />and Ueensinr of persona who adIDJ.D18ter m~8. ,;,' <br />3-10-2: DEFniITtONS. . ' " ':'c' ,~ <br />Aa used in tbisChapter, the terms defined in this <br />;~ction shall bave the.following me~nga a~bet, <br />to them: .,' . -,',' _ 'L~::'" <br />Massage: The robbin,. stroking, ~eading., tap., <br />ping orrollingotthe body olanother With the hands ,~' <br />or objects Cor the u.clusive purpose or ,p~~ fit- c:' <br />ness, relaxation, beautification, and Cor ~ other .;, <br />purpose.. . .. ' <br />Ma.sS8ur: A male person who practices or a~mm- <br />isters a massage. . <br />MasstU$t: A female person who practices or ad. ,. <br />ministers a massage. . <br />3-10-3: UCENSE REQUIRED. <br />No person shall engage ~ or hold ~iDlBelf or <br />herself out as being engaged In the practice of mas- <br />pge Dor shall any person administer or pl'tlctice <br />massage commercially or f~r tu..rt:. or for the ez- <br />change of any va1u~b1e consldera.tloD Wl~out ~ <br />having obtained. a Ucell8e as hereul provid~';.:-c'" <br />3-164: CONTENTS OF THE APPLlCATIONFOR <br />LICENSE. .' . <br />A. ~ Application shaH be made aD forms pro- <br />vided by the City Adminiatrato~ " <br />B. AnnHr.ftHnn' The .t.pplieation shall eontain--.the,,.. <br />following information together with 'any other <br />intonnation which the City Administ;:r'ator Dl8>:' ~ <br />require: . . <br />1. Evidence of the appli~ant's training and ~r- <br />tttieatiol\. by the Amerieo.n MaS-s~ge Therapy <br />AssociatioD. <br />2. Evidence of applicant's practical qualifica- <br />tions to practice massage. <br />3. Evidellce that the applicant is of good m.oral <br />cnaramr. <br />4. The names and addresses of two persons who <br />are residents of Dakota County and who can <br />attest to the applicant's character. <br />5. Statement disclosing whether the applicant <br />haa ever been convicted of a c.rime or offense <br />and, if so, infotmation 8S to the time, place, <br />and nature of such crime or offense. <br />'6. Evidence that the applicant is at least cigh~ <br />teen (18) years of age. <br /> <br />L <br /> <br />3-16-5: GRANTING OR DENIAL OF LICENSES: <br />AND CERTIFICATES. . :.: <br />A. AnnlieRt.ion~. License applications shal('" ...... . '(:l:" <br />be reviewed by the Police Department and auch'1' ~~' <br />other departments as the City AdministratOr' ~ ~~~~:~ <br />shall deem necessary. LicensesshBUbeias. Ued._b. Y...<~ .,,::p~91. "'~.-'; 'N .~S. !'T.'.:"- <br />the City Administrator. [fthe City Administra~ijl. ",'~~~ilbde <br />tor refuses to issu~ a license! the decision ~~:b.8. '~::<~~~~,e~....~~~ <br />appealed to t;he City CounCIl. ., :u,:_~_:,.:~ ~~~~~~~~,.it. . I <br />ll, IoxmIlf~AUcens.p.rmJttinBthehoId.'1"' :D..'C<lj"'Cti""i/f' . '11 <br />there.ofto.practice or administer massage ~iD~ ,,':jti~~€i~:~:. " <br />;:,.(r:~~=::::':d;~l~ll~~~~the~~h~rnldye:f~;" 0;;.~~~.g~'~::::..~~.f!rra~.'ir:h.".1kO' '."'''.''e.nse,'ijJ4... '~.-.' J~.:u. ~i <br /><<cense~~ttingan a.OWUlg 0 er~L~,:;",",--;",':r-'~'" ,._....,~:~~~7:I~~~'~:;;:~:~H.~J~ : <br />to a~nuluster or p~actice massage !or the, ~~J~ -:~~18-9tE~C;EP1'~Om?..;~;tj~_,~~,;;.;!.;;j"""}i~~~,, ; <br />ceedmg year. All-licenses shall be Issuedtorl(-j; ~'~t..,'11$. o~a~!i!d98&.not ap~y,to~.~ ,":;''> _,'.., , <br />. term expit-4!g on-December 31st Col~~:1.e.~~ i:~",pra~g'~~~i?li-al'i.'l;l..f i <br />isaullme. . .' , , :. _, ',_,,'.''ttuj _ .,;'iagh'Oee,orotJmr'Uiit.iflltidn(o'r 'e' . ~~ <br />. - .,' ~');Oo~*~'r -;~":~;t1~#'.or'C.iireothumAiibeuip-"1ite .., "the <br />3-16-6: LICENSE AND INVESTIGATION ~EIM:; ":,p"1_oiis or:M!n1>-~tot.-.."j:..:i;if'~~gh <br />. TheUtenae~d1tl.vestiga~onreea~au. e...~b:-Ii;, ,,"~~'~1"'.69. ;~..-~.: _i-l~"'~~;ii~. .'i.irK{#:f!t~~.i~:':;- ._" <br />lished by resolutioQ...ofthe CIty CouDcll. ! .., ;~''i.~ . .'~ -' . ,...1 '-'J....-:....t~~.:......'Jy:'3;.~' '.' 'I <br />. - . ',,:-II'~~, '....'.- B.~By a li~d DU1'8e.JieeQied.~ doctor: <br />3-1ll-7:CONDITIONSGOVERNlNGISSUANCEOF:, _ :li..nsedP.<>diatriat,li~c:b\lppoiiel9. or.the~ <br />A UCENSE.. , . . '. :: ','" ,c:beaJtb..... profemoiW lJceIlSOd hy lwtSiale 0 <br />A. Anphcant Licenses shall be issued only to ~z:'-:,~,-,. MinnesOta, or by 8Osneau,'eDiployed liy"8ii:Cti, an <br />sona of good moral character and repute and-;'; ~:,~:~'individ~andwo~UIldertheir8u~olL <br />.. personawhoareingoOdhealthaDd!rtte~~.'._ :-., " _ ;,:':t",-:r ~ '.'". - ';::' --'::',~:''''-r'::.-;;;,:\:?;;~: _ ,_ <br />CODlJQUDicable disease. ";:',:..:....'"i~.~:",;_ 'BGiD.u.2..~ordin~8hD:ii'be8ffectiftlamiecu~ <br />B. 1i:ai.uiu: lUUi Certifir.lIt.inn LicenSes may be:~~: .:a.~1y Upon ItS p~~sap ~if ~6~~a:'rh,.~A~"', <br />8Ued only to peraoQS who have eom.pleted atlea8t' '.;. "~~~ADO~D this ~~thday or A~gWjt.:.l~4.'~the <br />one hWl4red (lOO) ho\U'l of trainin, in massage' ~ty,,90un~ of the CIty oC ~erille.,. .(..;> _. <br />and have been certified by the American M88~ CITY OFt.AKEVILLE <br />sage_Therapy Association. "~_J,__. ~ .;l5!:~.P.s~",~~..~~,~r <br />C. irlru:Qf&uu..Licenses may be l8Bued only to ->~:~'\:c.',;1,i)t,;j, ~ ,,,,~..~,)-'~_:'h'''''_' _. _ '_ ""'~.ATl'EST: <br />.~1'801l8 free fniIn ~nvictioll8 or offenses which :'-~~':;~'I:~\:).;;jsj;. . (~eDe<;Friedges.City Clert <br />mvolve moral turpitude or which rela.te directly ~ IlIlhl1 Ld:evar.IA_~'lliiiilii.i~ZllJN)-' ": ", <br />to the person's ability, capacity, or fitness to --. .', .. --' .~-'" ......... <br />perform the duties and discharge the reapo08i~ <br />bilittes of the ~pation. . <br />D. I!rislr: RA~tlIf:inn Licenses may not be' issued to <br />persons who. within one year prior to the. date, or <br />applieatio~ have been denied ,licensing or who <br />have had their license revoked or suspended by <br />any community, paHtic=al entity, or by tho St.ate <br />. of Minnesota. <br />Eo CnnMrAt.ion gf AnDIi~Ant.. Licenses may be is. <br />sued, only to persons who have Cully and truth- <br />fully answered all of the inf'orruatiol1 requested. <br />in the applicatioD and have paid the full license <br />tee and investigation fee. <br />F. Au. Licenses may be issued only to personS <br />eighteen US) years of age or older. <br />3-10-6: REVOCATION, SUSPENSION. OR <br />NONEENEWAL OF LICENSE, <br />The license may be revoked. suspended, or not <br />telll!lwed by the City Administrator by showing that <br />the Ucensee has engaged in any oC the following <br />col1duct: . . <br />A Fraud. deception. or misrepresentation in COn- <br />nection with the aacurini of the license. <br />8. Habitual drwlkenness or intemperance in the. <br />use oiel-rugs. includipgbut Qat limited to the use <br />of drugs defined in either 26 U.S.C. ~ 4731 or <br />Minn. Stal f 152.02. barbiturates, halll1-Cino- <br />~enic drugs, amphetaminell, benzedrine <br />, 'dezedrine, or othersedatives. depressants. stimu~ <br />Mts. or tranquilizers. <br /> <br />