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<br />5 Amended: <br />4 Amended: 2/19/02 <br />3 Amended: 9/4/01 <br />2 Amended: 817/01 <br />1 Amended: 1/30/01 <br />Effective 9/5/00 <br />City Df Centerville Ord. #4 <br />receiving the recommendation of the Planning and Zoning Commission, may extend the permit for an <br />additional period not to exceed six (6) months. A Special Use Permit authorizes only the Conditional Use <br />specified in the permit and expires if, for any reason, the authorized use ceases for more than twelve (12) <br />months. <br /> <br />Section 200-060: Fees. Any person requesting a Special Use Permit shall pay a fee according to the <br />Schedule established by resolution of the City Council. The fee is payable at the time of filing the <br />application and is not refundable. <br /> <br />Division 205: Enforcement and Violations <br /> <br />The Zoning Administrator is directed by the City Council to enforce the provisions of this Ordinance and <br />maintain all necessary records pertaining to this Ordinance including but not limited to Amendments, <br />Variances, Complaints and Violations. Any person who violates or fails to comply with the provisions of <br />this Ordinance shall be guilty of a misdemeanor and upon conviction may be punished to the maximum <br />extent allowed by law. Each day a violation exists constitutes a separate offense. <br /> <br />SestioA 295919: Flesp0Rsibility af Cit~ Clerft. ISSI;J8 Bui/€liAg J38Ff-flits 8F18 0elleet tAe fees ae <br />:stal3li3t1e€l ~:; FS8SltttisFI gf t~e City CSttABil. <br /> <br />^ <br />, .. <br /> <br />P.1aiAtaiA fl8rm8fl0At SA€! gElrre~t r8€en1a fleF-taiAiA!l te tRis Or€fiA8Asrs, iAeltt€liAg e~t <br />Aet IiFAite€l ta; p"1a~6, t,mefH1Ff1eAts, Sflssial Uses, \'sriafl868, 1^.~f3eaI8, rUDs, Ems <br />afl~li6atieA6 t~eref6fe, <br /> <br />8, <br /> <br />nssei';e, file, aAe fgpNsre1 a~flIi6atit3f-18 fer }',Flfleals, '/ariaA€SS, 8J3ssial Use ren~it8, <br />sr atAer aetisA ts tAe a~FJreflriate sffieial 8!9aiss, <br /> <br />c. <br /> <br />rnr/ise elerieal assistaAee t6 tRe Dears, <br /> <br />Seetien 295 929: Respst1sibility sf the [JlfilefiR!J IAsf'eetar. T~e BbliI€lifl~ If-lsFJeetor sAall he @i':eA t~e <br />8\;ltnerity BAa rSSjSl8Asil3i1ity tel eAfefse all sf tMe ~r€r~'jsi€lA8 sf tftis or€iiAaf.'H~e afIB 8Aall: <br /> <br />t., CAterers tAe fe~t:Jir6mrsFlts sf tRis Or~iFlaF1ee fer I3l;JiI€tiflf3 Sfl€l OgBI;Jf]8F18)' refFflits 8r::1€1 <br />iss~a €If aeRY saeA apFlligati€lA iA aeeor€lSI9158 '^'itA tA6 tJre't/'isisAS €If tAis Or€JiA8Fl15e. <br /> <br />B, COFI(~Jttet iflstgeeti€lPH3 ef 8l:lilf1il9~8 aFH~ tRe !::Jsrs sf laAs te elatermifls eeFflFllieU'186 \vitfil <br />t~6 terms sf tRis Or€fiA8A15S. <br /> <br />C. t.1alle ressmmel=lSatisAs to tAe CeI::J196il eM tAe il9stitblti6F1 af aFlFlfsf]riate 8etiena €lr <br />Flro8eesiA~8 fef eflfereemeAt €If tRig OrdiA8f.1BS sFl,^.meFl€fmsAts, 8Fl€l OR SAY etAsr <br />matteFs felatiF'lf3 t8 tAe 6AferBemeflt af tRis Or€fiF'l8F16e. <br /> <br />0, EflfBfssment Remedies. 1F'l ease ar=:lY ~blile1iA~, strEJ8ttire, €lr ISAs is, er is F1r€lJ3€1ss€J <br />t8 be ere8tSeC eOAstruBte€l, fS6€lFtstn:I€lted, alterea, 8eF'l':efte€l, maiAtaiRsff or uses iA <br />Page 67 of 68 <br />