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<br />Planning & Zoning Commission <br />June 3, 2003 <br />Meeting Minutes <br /> <br />Council Liaison Broussard Vickers indicated the decibel meters will give the ordinance <br />some enforceability. She then said the issue is the words like comfort because comfort <br />means different things to different people. <br /> <br />Ms. Moore-Sykes indicated that when she receives calls and complaints then a letter is <br />sent. <br /> <br />Council Liaison Broussard Vickers indicated that words like comfort and enjoyment lead <br />to difficulty in interpretation. She then said she would prefer that more time be spent <br />working on the wording because she does not want to make it easy for neighbors to <br />complain about each other just because they do not like each other. <br /> <br />Ms. Moore-Sykes indicated that Section three breaks down the decibel requirements to <br />commercial and residential zones. <br /> <br />Commissioner DeVine suggested adding a sentence to designate the decibel reading for <br />the mixed-use district. <br /> <br />Mr. King asked if residents are notified when someone approaches the City for an extra <br />noise permit. <br /> <br />Commissioner Klennert Hunt indicated that if sufficient controversy exists a public <br />hearing would be held. <br /> <br />Mr. Fischer indicated that he has been notified in the past of the noise permit requests. <br /> <br />Commissioner Wilharber indicated that any time residents come to Council and voice <br />concerns or opinions Council does take that information into consideration when making <br />decisions. <br /> <br />Mr. King indicated he would like to be notified of any special noise permits because they <br />are a variance to the ordinance and other variances to the ordinance are noticed. <br /> <br />Mr. Fischer asked if the bar could be required to notify neighbors before getting the <br />permit. <br /> <br />Council Liaison Broussard Vickers indicated the notice requirements could not be placed <br />on the applicant because the City would not have any control over it. She then suggested <br />that public hearing notification be paid for by the applicant. <br /> <br />Commissioner Klennert Hunt indicated she was concerned with creating a public hearing <br />process for one or two issues. She then said that she realizes that for these residents this <br />is a major issue but she does not want to penalize other applicants for one bad egg. <br /> <br />Ms. Bender suggested ending Subdivision 4, Section I after the words "in an audible <br />manner". <br /> <br />Page 8 of 10 <br />