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<br />r'H <br /> <br />S~bd. B. A person shall not operate a re~reational <br />vQh1~le within the publi~ road r1ght-of-w~y of any City ~tra~t, <br />state highway, or ~ounty highway from April 1 to August 1 of any <br />y~~r, unle~~ the vehi~le is be~n9 ws.d Q>>~lusively as <br />transportation to and from work on agri~ultural lands. <br /> <br />SUbd. c. A person shall not operate a motorized recreational <br />vehicle within the public road right-oi-way of any ~ity street, <br />state highway or ~oc'nty h1gh"'''y b..tween tll.. "'ou..." of onl;-hOll" <br />hour- ~ft.r sunset to one-Mal'" houY" bllfon. !i.Llnr"ise, exc:r=pt on the <br />right-hand side oi the right-oi-way and in the ~am. direction a5 <br />auto~obile traffi~ on the nea...e5t land of the adja~lint ro~dway. <br /> <br />IS1.S REQUIRED EQUI~MENT <br /> <br />/. <br /> <br />181.9 <br /> <br />(( <br />\;.. <br /> <br />llnn/r.nn i'BI <br /> <br />Bubd. A. Eve...y motorized rec...eational veh~cl.. .h~ll at all times <br />be equipped with th.. muffler in good wo~Ning o...der, which blends <br />the ~xhau5t noise into the overall vehicl~ noise, and is in <br />const..nt Operl!lt.ion t.o I=Il""event lilHc::eli5iivii or- u.nugu~l nQj,jiti. <br />Mul'fl..rli sh.ll redLlce the noise 01 op.......tion of tile moto... to the <br />minimum ne~"'ssa...y for operation. No person sh~ll use a muffl..... <br />cutout, bypa.~, or similar devic.. upon a motori..,d recreational <br />veh~~l.,. The e"hawst 5y.tem shall not or procuce a sharp <br />popping or era~king "ound. <br /> <br />BubO. a. Every moto...i.ed .....e~m..tional v"hl~le shall be ..quipped <br />with brakes ad..quate to cont...ol the movement of, and to stop and <br />hold, ~aid vehicle under ahY condition of operation. <br /> <br />Subd. C. 1t is unlawful for any person to ope...ate a motorized <br />recr..ational vehicle any place within the City Wi'll.... it is <br />el:lc,ipllled wit.h il safety or so-c..ll..d "deadman" throttle in <br />operating condition. "S..fety or O"ildman" throttle meanli 01 d..vice <br />whiCh. whan pr..sure is ~emov~d 1~om the .ngine a4cel@rator cr <br />throttle, causes the motor to be dis..ngaged from the driving <br />track. <br /> <br />SubO. D. No re~reational vehicle ~hall be operated upon any <br />public .tre.t or highway unl~ss it is eQuipped wit.h at l~ast ~ne <br />head lamp, Qne tail l~mp, each of a minimum ~andlQ powQr ae <br />p.....cribed by rUl~s establi.hgd by the Commi.sioner oi "he <br />Minnesota of Natural ~esources, and r.flective <br />ma~erial of a minimum area of 16 squa...e inQhes mountQd on <br />.ide of the vehi~lQ. <br /> <br />MISCELLANEOUS REGULATIONS <br /> <br />Subd. A. No ownQr sh.ll pe~mit the operation of, and ne operator <br />shall operate, a motorized recreational v~hicle at a speed in <br />excess of fifteen (1~) mil.. p~'" hour within one-Ilundred (100) <br />feet of any regidential dwellin9. <br /> <br />Subd. B. It i5 unlawful t.o int~ntiQnally drive, cha~e, run over, <br />or kill any animal 0'" bird with a motori~ed reQreational vehicle, <br />,"'lcapt t"at ~otQri"ed racr,....tion..l vel'l1cl.s m.y bQ l.l....d to herd. <br />or cont~ol dome~ticat.d farm animals by e person enQaged in a <br />bona fide agricultural. occupation. <br /> <br />vv,.r ''';QT nUT <>(In'-lI'/;J!(f <br />