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<br />J,*"29-2I303 16' es <br /> <br />. > <br /> <br />INFORMATION $ERVI~E Cities <br />League of M~nneso B <br />183 UniVerS)ty Ave E. <br />St. Paul, MN 55101 <br /> <br />( '::,tWity OUt..Witl4#~ <br />, . An Or.drn~nce. ... <br />RegUIa1in". Carbage <br />and Refuse Hauler. <br />; Ordinance':No:~ . <br />~i:TIt" o~'Couoi<:i! of lite olty of <br />Hewil; ordinance av fo~: <br />i:Sectlotll:' OeliriiliOrnl: lho 101- <br />lolNingter;".. aa used In' Ihl. <br />. S8cuon, shall have the maaning81 <br />~"., <br />#0. 'rm. term "g~" mMIl& <br />.aJipull~e WUJe(:\~i!I~g M- <br />irlial'offallVld ~... of dead <br />*~lmaJs buleicdUdl(lg IWmlIn ."c. <br />-"'.... . .~...... Oth'''~''''o<:lV- <br />relll,.__ _.,,, .,..". <br />rie!aw~~... ~.~_~..~t .~ .. "i-i'~ <br />t:.Tllelen:u.~~h,r. refuse" <br />III lans. Ilehee, 91us;' crocke,/Y. <br />~, paper. ""'xes; rags arnl,~IIlli' <br />):ar~non-pu1rescibl. __ but ex- <br />c1u)llng e,-nd,' e"flh, bric:I<.. &!!Int, <br />"',n_".I_. !rile brllllc/l....nd. <br />wOOd. .' <br />. 1;Section 2. Llcen5e Requlrell. Jt <br />ls~nlawful f9r any ~~n.~,h'!l" <br />9~rt>age or other fefu..,rfot.hllW . <br />Witho..r at IieenM lherelor8 f/lll)l m. : <br />CJ!lo, OJ' 10 . heul' garbage. or' ClIher .. <br />relu... from his. own residence or <br />buillne" property oll1.r Ihllll as . <br />lhiii.ln.~.-..' . '1 <br />;~ionS. F.... The.' i <br />.n'nulll lee' for II garbage ana . <br />MruSe haul4lrs licen" .. $26.001 <br />'-S8Glion 4. &~iofr. Nothing <br />in .thi8 Sscllon shall Pl'IoVlInt ,..r. <br />oons from hauling gari!ago or. <br />other refliee',korti'lhak oWn risl. <br />del1C8S or busl_ properties prg. <br />~1d8ci tho> following wi". are Db. <br />saiYed: 'a) that all lIarbage r~ <br />ha(ired In colll"\n,,rs that ar. <br />water-tight on 811 elde<l and the bot- <br />to'" and with IiQhl-fmlng 'cove", On <br />toli; (b) Ihat "II oll'..r refuse i.: <br />h.uled in vehicleawilh loak-proof <br />bocjlea and COmpl8lely covered or <br />"m;loud by oanv.. or ..Olher. <br />mean. or materia/$ $0 .. to COm' <br />pl*1y .fiminatv the POSSibility of <br />los" of Colr90, and, (c) that 11/1 <br />garbage and other rews.. shailbtt <br />dumped or unload.., Ollly alln. <br />deslgnatGd $""italy land-fiU. <br /> <br />LEAGUE: OF rN C I TI ES <br /> <br />s""OIion 5. Heul..~. .ticens. <br />ReQuiremenlll. <br />. A Haul"r licen.... Shall .be <br />o..-med 0Il1y lIJlOn t~ OOt)dillon: <br />'iilatlhe Ileen_ "."..~ ~_' <br />'l)'il! Ybhldealn lloed amdftion.lo <br />'pnivenl'loss In 1r8nsftot Uquid or I <br />80110 c;ai'9o. that tilt vehicle' be . <br />"kerltc1o..n ~ lIS ~ from ~ ./ <br />"odcltSt.. p01il.&'aIld iiOt'~j <br />~~:~81~ ;".!1.:~,!>~r ,1. <br />thlUl re_nai;lly' n . ry.'ta_. <br />. . .:::.~ .....;.;-.JaAd' '1 <br />lecr,...._~ 11I'.,......... '. <br />. .ame be.dWllPOdor unklltdedopllr <br />at i!\e ~ SIIIlItary !8IldflU; . I <br />an~'SlIIclty in-.rdance wnltreg- <br />ulafioll8 relllil1g lhelll1D. <br />"8. a./ote <<~ and ralllae <br />~...'& 1icentl1 8"-11. be Issued; <br />Ihe'~ sllaJl file with VIe City <br />Cfeik. Tr_urg(8\fldel108lhai ,h,..' <br />h.e,~ei1 !'PullliC'liahiliff,nSiJi:. <br />~ on all venlcl8ll'In at ~Jhe <br />sum of ""00.000.00 for tile iniU'1 <br />of one PIllIOn. $300.000.00 for the <br />injUlV <<two or mar- P<lOlQns In lhe i <br />sacflio .-..eldent. and $?O.OOO.OO for <br />proPelly daroag.... Said poliey <br />""aU llan'y an. fnclOrumenl Ihat <br />Ihe'po/'lCie8 wit not be C/lJlceled or <br />terminated wilhout first givIng no- <br />t~..lO !he CIty, in wr~ing, at leur <br />Ihr.. days Jirior to Ihe propo~~ <br />canceRalion. <br />C. llc;ense... enall deUrer all , <br />""".. It> lhe sanital)' "lnd.nll.tnd I <br />shall be l8lluired 10 P4lY non-res;- I . <br />dent ralW for omy re!u$e colected <br />outeide the CIty CoII&cllan outside <br />lhe City and lailvre to P"I non-,.j. . <br />denl rate. therefor. .h..1I b. <br />g/<lunda fer _lion' of lhe 'i' <br />cense. <br />D. The Oourrcll, in the inler...1 <br />of mainlalrnng heathfu,' and sani- <br />tary' COnditione In th.. City, he~ <br />r.~ the right to. speclfy and <br />assign' Certain are.. for all II- <br />eensees, end lO fim~ Ihe number or <br />lioen_ lealJed. <br /> <br />P.e12/04 <br /> <br />Classification # ~5 B <br />Municipality H-ew/'ft <br />0. te f;). - if - '1.9...-__ <br />Subject <br /> <br />E. Each applicant shaIJ file with I <br />Ille .t;:lIv ClerK- Tr_vAlr. before ~ <br />'and relull<l hauler's I~ <br />C8n~" Is h;sued or renewed. a <br />scIMIllule Of propoud. rateOl 10 be <br />chll19ed' by him during Ihe Ii- <br />ce....'d Period for which ~,apPl" <br />c:atiO\\ 1$ milde. The schediM. of <br />proposed rates, or.s compromise <br />soMdule Ih$raot. shall.:btoap: <br />prov8d by the City CounCil belllre <br />gl8l)ling the license. Nctlting here- <br />In s1i1al1 prevent a Iican_ from Pl'- <br />Ikiolilng Ih.. Councillor reviewing <br />SUI:~:ra1IIs during Ihe)icensed. pe.. . <br />r\od":.aMd the COunell ihall ~Wise <br />l c:on~jdar suCh petklon an~ make <br />ne",",lates ellaaliYe .al any No <br />. Ilce_ shall ""arg.. rate&other.. <br />lhan the rales app/<lVed by the <br />Cou~oll. . . <br />Section 6. P.nalty. Violalion of <br />this Ordinanc. ""all be amlsde- <br />m""/IOr. . <br />P~d by lI;e City of HeWitt <br />City,;, Counoll !his 4th day of <br />DeQembe~ 1990. <br />. CITY Of HEWm;) <br />Is! Harold'Tril.sch. Mayo, <br />IsI Sam Alieni Cfty Ckirk . <br />