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<br /> <br />StatE! pf.MinnE!!!ota '., <br />. :{ Dep!'Irtment of Co.r:nmerce ;:', . <br />, 85 ~ 7th Place.Eas~'q4ite 6~O <br />. ,St pa~l, MN 551.0M1~5" . <br />" . .:- ., ......-;..... .':"./;," .., ,"," <br /> <br />"1',' <br /> <br />DE!partmemt of CommE!rce licensing Division <br />Telephoria: (651) 296-6319 <br />E-m_~,' ~ll;ldre~: <br />Web~!te address: <br /> <br />",">. <br />'il, ,;"r+iije{jlr'ien:e~:a, Deal Prope..u';;' p:"p':-''''aiset%''''''" ceil'ie <;,?;" <br />W*' " RJ.;-J.~ ,~ ,,-,'~ lM..:" _ I li-X '.. .,.,. <<,_ ~,. ",'._< .- "" : <br />teg~1 Nam~..: "'-' EN~' :', '.' <br />',-'. >:..;" ~ ~ - .. - '""{Rb ''i:NI!;S;~ ..,~- .?t "~ . . <br />Address: '. '(\:>rr2!ct!.AB~~{fJ?,. :!i5n6\ft~.(~;;ir~, '. <br />. ..~ "<"$.: W. . ~*l;Z:D~)~. <br />. ':,", .,......:..:ot... >'f:::~:wp.1'"," <br /> <br />"!",' <br /> <br />-',; <br /> <br />.'~ ." <br /> <br />I <br /> <br />License Identification ['j""lber.: AP- . 4001 ,!~9 . '. <br />- l' 8/31/2005 '.. ..... ", 'J' <br />Lfcense Expiratlol) Date: ' : - .. .. _ ~ ," ;'\~~:'\~:!,~ :.'. l . '.'. <br />" ' , '-';"~".' -\ ",.~. <br />Continuing Education: 30 credits due bY:li~nse exp!ration'~ate. <br /> <br />I <br /> <br /> <br />A person licensed In this category can perfoon appraisals for federally-relaled <br />~~actions_ . <br />~ ....~ persOn 'i~nsed in this category may apprais~ all types of real property. <br />.';": . <br />