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<br />! <br />I t" <br />....../ <br /> <br />JanUary 10, 2005 <br /> <br />0ll01~~- , <br /> <br />C~minerCial& Indisfriaj <br />Ma"hineryp. Equipmm! ' <br />. App,aisal Specialist: ' <br /> <br />,", <br /> <br />I <br />I <br />'i <br /> <br />, , <br />, , <br />Mr. Bill1'schida , " ,', <br />, " Saint Paul Regio~ Water Services' <br />Engmeering ~ection , " " <br />,'190QRice street " , , <br />St. Paul; MN 55113c6810 <br /> <br />1 <br />I <br /> <br />, <br />I <br />" <br />.'! <br /> <br />, <br /> <br />',";, ..... <br /> <br />~;, , "two smgle fiimilj lot~ with" ,'" " <br />- one lo(iplprovedw:ith adwellil)g- <br />, l(,OlLariiotte Diive ' " " " <br />'.., , . " Centerville& 'Lint; LakesMN . <br />. . . '. '-. . - _ ".-. , :~ i' (: .... '>. >',~ " <br /> <br />", <br /> <br />f <br />~.: . ~~'r <br />. <br />J "D~:~:Tschi~:., , '~" ~",:,,__,,~,',,;"'::"f"'i'::'," ':.. <br /> <br />. '. '.. " .J>Ursuanqo, your ,feqll~st;we miyepiepal:ega:J.~I(Nari:afiveYapprais~Qft\1eab(lve '_ ' ' <br />J ,,' ~efetenc&i propeftyfor~~pfu:pos~'ofpr?Yf?~an:~~iillo~(Jrtb,e-:~utr~ll,t~l\tk~~yaw:~: ,,'J.>: <br /> <br />.:__ . J-" ", ;."; :..~'.:_'~;, _y'"' ,':^" . ".' , <br />1 ',' ",The opWWofVaIue as'stat~jn@sr~PQt(i{ptWl;litecl1ipo1l.tIiedetiniti9ngfmarket <br />'1 . ,," v~iIe l)(JIlh;i~ed hei(:in.JinpliciOnthe g~fiilitiQn ~rtn~t~etyaiijri~th~(paYm~*P~!l1li~eincash " <br />-. ':Qrits,equiYatency. The eqj1ivli1encyof easb:is'<:ollve.ntl9na1 finanqilJ'i.i\tb<ink!instifution31 F;ites: " ,. <br />1 .' .'I'ht;s~bj~ct propero/iSllPpraiS~,iiliSe9~p'~)I9sIio!'eg~~iai~~t ~ihi(' . . <: ., <br /> <br /><:o'; '.., - - . The pwpetty'rights appraiSed consisn~f.titl~in'fee'~imple:.'~' ',' .' .' ..', - . ..' <br /> <br />f',.' '. - . . 'Asa'I~S~1tcif~tir~'~vestiiafion)Ve~liYef~,t~d ~~ :ci;illjprr~llleVlt1~eif iJi~silbject'." ,'" . , <br />,,; d, -property' "as is vacant" as ufJanuiiry 5, 200Sand, ~ased~n ~ marketing' expOiiureperlod 'of oJie ., ., <br />.t. year~'is:".." . , . "'. . -,"'. ";'. -. .... ,..' --; '.'., .:.., <br /> <br />, .' ". - ., ,,'. '..PARCEL'll; $33600-0 . , , ' . , <br />, ~" " ;\,. ~ ':,:'. -';'."",\ ~':;!:::'-~,~\'::':' .:.,~':'~'.,>:~;"f.- ,";"" OU.:.,", "', ',"' . )', <br />I,:. ' '.' , ..' '.. " ,', ' _,r~~~,~:-<~~~~~909 "';", ....... ._ ,-;. ... ,.:, ,",. <br />. ,".' ,....., , TP-ellU4~rsignedcertitiestlia:t'~e ~per~()nally~p~cte4!h~,sul:l.l~ct prOP~Wand t1i;ittllls, "., <br />I , ,'!lppririsalIs made &ubject tocert;lln Ij;qjit~gcoIlllitioJ:lS lij1d, lISsumpttons' as hereinllftetexpreSs~d., . <br />l'Filctsaild infonrtationcontainedhereiri Wer~ 6btailled#-oln-sour~sthatWe cOrlside,red reliabkand: -, <br />';-aretruet6thebestofomlo:i()\yI6dgeapd,belie('/, .' ,,' . '.' <br />I ,,"'; ,;." "'." ",.. , <br /> <br />.. This ipprai~i1~~ cOlIlpli~s 'witQ trSPAP~d ~l\.~~4~:: '.." ' . . <br /> <br />1-. . "Th~ following r~PQrtdesciibeso~metQ;dS:Of'a}J;r~:b~, c;:ta~' datag~er~~ ipiour, <br />. . , ". .investigirtio:Q., and1emOnStrates (J~ anil~~si:si!i a1Tivfug.:atthe;estimationofJJIal"kdvlil)ieJoi:fu~' ". <br />[.,>~Ubje~tProp~rti. '., '." .... ".:,<".,':,',>,0':' ..' "."<_:' .... ......... <br /> <br />:R~p.ectrully !l i:lIllltted;' , ., ',' ,,'\ .. <br />- " . , "'-,c'::-', <br />1......,fOrf ," IsalS,lnC. ",",.' <br />.,~. . <br />, . _ ;gent. MAl ,_, , .,~ <br />Ce -fie .General Real PropeIiY Appraiser <br />e#4Q01499 ' . <br /> <br />, ." <br /> <br />,~ : <br /> <br />'.'J,,, <br /> <br />." ", <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br />. ' <br /> <br />,. <br /> <br />'," <br /> <br />:!" <br /> <br />." '. . . <br />-. . . <br />. . - .' . <br />. '. , ORlON .APPRAISALS, ING ;. . , . <br />3495 Wi/1m>> 14h Blvd. -Suite.ibO- St. PauOWi551io <br />(651) 636,1339 - Fax (651) 636,2133"(80b)274~9677:- ww';'orz'onappraisals.con-i <br />. , - ..' . . . <br />