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<br />A. ...._ip CahgoriM <br /> <br />Corporate (voting) membership is for managersladmlntstrators who serve in professional positions in all forms of local government as well as those senior <br />staff who report to those managers and who have "significant general administrative responsibility." <br /> <br />.... I.!! IAchInhtratar:- leMA has established six criteria (see below) that detennine whether a professiona1 management position has been <br />established that gives the manager or chief administratlve officer (CAG) the level of independence, authority, and responsibility necessary to func- <br />tion in a professional manner. If your position meets all six criteria, you are eligible for Corporate membel'!ihip. <br /> <br />s.niDr ..,.. Staff with broad management responsibility who report to a CAD whose position meets the criteria below are eligible for Corporate <br />membersbJp as long as the CAO affirms that you occupy a position with "significant general administrative responsibility. ~ <br /> <br />You are eligible for Atfiliate (non-voting) membership if you serve in an appointed position in local government that does not meet these criteria. <br /> <br />CIIIlBlIA FOR NWDI.aYS'lVnTIIIIQ M--.---. FOR CAO <br /> <br />The CAO should mark. NA ;r a criterion is not applicable. <br /> <br />1. ~ -: I occupy 8 position that: is appointed by an etected representative or representatiVes and is difl!Ctly responsible to an <br />elected representative and/or repmsentatives. <br /> <br />2. POLICY flDU.- ATIOII: I have stgniflCant responsibility In the development and analysis of public policy alternatives and in the imple- <br />mentation of policy once adopted. (This means I deVefop public policy alternatives and recommendations for consideration by elected offICials <br />and have access to the council and work With Its members.) <br /> <br />s. IIUDGIT; I have major responsibility for the preparation and administration of the operating and capital improvements budget. <br /> <br />4. APP()..''-' AUTHORITY: I exercise slgntflC8flt influence in the appointment of the key management personnet of the local government <br />and partiCUlarly the appointment or the administrative and financial staff. (In other words. I haw the authority to reeommencl the appointment <br />of department heads and appoint 8 sufficient share of the management staff to control budget preparation and acIministratiDn.) <br /> <br />S. DR8AMZATIOIIAI. RDATIOMIItIPS; I am recognized WIthin the local government organilation as the principal general management <br />professional and have a continuing direct relationship with the operating department heads on the lmplementation and admtnistration of the <br />programs. (I atso have direct supervision over department heads. and, at a minimum. my overall management responsibility includes the status <br />of first peer among administrative peers.) <br /> <br />s. QUAlJFICATJDIII: I was appointed to the position based on my education and experience and on my qualiflC8tions to perfonn the duties <br />and responsibilities of the position as defined by leMA's Practkes for Effective local Government Management. (This criterion means that you <br />have been chosen on merit. have signlflC8nt administrative experience and educational background. and will fulfill the requirement of Tenet 7 <br />of the Code of Ethics to remain politically neutral. tt excludes the strictly "political- appointment. However. it doesn't mean that you must have <br />local government experience.) <br /> <br />1. P1__k_: <br /> <br />o I'm In a cao position that meets all of the above criterIa and am thereby eligible for voting membership. <br /> <br />o I'm in a non-cao position. but was appoJnted by the cao, have sIgnificant administrative duties. and report to a cao whose position <br />meets all of the above criteria. I'm thereby eligible for voting membership. <br /> <br />o Neither of the above statements apply. I'm eligible for Affiliate membership. <br /> <br />Z. ClltlIgory of ......._Ip for whi... JOU ... 8pplJlng (_ _): <br />o Full Member (Voting) <br /> <br />a. I am a chief administrator with three or more years of service as the chief administrator In a dty. county. council of governments, or <br />state association of local governments, two years of which must be continuous service in one such position. (One year's service may <br />be waived by graduation from a university of recognized standing or five years in a responsible public administration position.) OR <br /> <br />b. I am an assistant manager or other senior level staff who has been appointed by the chief administrator, have significant general admin- <br />istrative responslbUlties. and have served in such a position for three years. (One year's service may be waived by graduation from a <br />universIty of recognized standing or five years In a responsible publlc administration posItion.) Must have endorsement of employing <br />CAO below. <br /> <br />o Associate Member (Voting) <br /> <br />Any por.;on meeting the qualJJications set forth for the Full Member category except that he or she has se""'" In such a position fo< less <br />than three years. <br /> <br />o Affiliate Member <br /> <br />Any person who does not otherwise meet the quallficatlons for the above categories of membership_ (Note: Appllcants eligible for vot- <br />Ing membershlp may not apply for AffilIate membership.) <br /> <br />...... Z <br />