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<br />actiVities to support the candidacy of individuals running for any city. <br />county, special district. school, state or federal offices. Specifically, they <br />shall not endorse candidates, make financial contributions, sign or <br />circulate petitions, or participate in fund-raising activities for <br />individuals seeking or holding elected office. <br /> <br />EucnONS IN THE CouNcn.-MANAGER l'1AN. Members may assist in <br />preparing and presenting materials that explain the council-manager <br />form of government to the public prior to an election on the use of the <br />plan. If assistance is required by another community. members may <br />respond. An activities regarding ballot issues should be conducted <br />within local regulations and in a professional manner. <br /> <br />PREsENTATION or Issm:s.. Members may assist the governing body in <br />presenting issues involved in referenda such as bond issues, <br />annexations. and similar matters. <br /> <br />8. Make it a duty continually to improve the member's professional <br />ablllty and to develop the competence of associates in the use of <br />management techniques. <br /> <br />GUIDEUIIIES <br /> <br />SELP-AssESSMENT. Each member should assess his or her professional <br />sJdUs and abilities on B periodic Oasis. <br /> <br />PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT. Each member should commit at least <br />40 hours per year to professional development activities that are based <br />on the practices identified by the members of leMA. <br /> <br />9. Keep the community Infonned on local government affairs; encourage <br />communication between the dtizens and all local government officers; <br />emphasize friendly and courteous service to the public; and seek to <br />improve the quallty and image of public service. <br /> <br />10. Resist any encroachment on professional responsibiUties, believing the <br />member should be free to carry out offidal policies without <br />interference, and handle each problem without discrimination on the <br />basis of prindple and justice. <br /> <br />OUIDEUIIIE <br /> <br />INFoRMATION Sa.uaNc. The member should. openly share information <br />with the governing body while diligently carrying out the member's <br />responsfbilides as set forth in the charter or enabUng JegisJation. <br /> <br />11. Handle all matters of personnel on the basis of merit so that fairness <br />and impartiality govern a member's decisions, pertaining to <br />appointments, pay adjustments, promotions, and disctpUne. <br /> <br />OUIDEUIIIE <br /> <br />EQUAL OPPORTUNITY. Members should develop a positive program <br />that wiU ensure meaningful employment opportunities for all <br />segments of the community. Au progr.uJlS, practices. and operations <br />should: (1) provide equality of opportunity in employment for all <br />persons; (2) prohibit discrimination because of race, color. religion, <br />sex. national origin, political affiliation, physical handicaps, age. or <br />marital status; and. (3) promote continuing programs of affirmative <br />action at every level within the organization. <br /> <br />It should be the members' personal and professional responsibiUty to <br />actively recruit and bin! minorities and women to serve on professional <br />staffs throughout their organizations. <br /> <br />12. Seek no favor; believe that personal aggrandizement or profit secured. <br />by confidential information or by misuse of public time is dishonest. <br /> <br />GUIDEUIIIES <br /> <br />GIFTS. Memben should not directly or indirectly saUdt any gift or <br />accept or receive any gift--whether it be money. services, loan. travel, <br />entertairunent, hospitality. promise, or any other fonn--under the <br />foUowing circumstances: (1) it could be reasonably inferred. or <br /> <br />expected that the gift was intended to influence them in the <br />performance of their officla1 duties; or (2) the glft was intended to <br />serve as a reward for any offictat action on their part. <br /> <br />It is important that the prohibidon of unsolicited gifts be limited to <br />clrcum5t:ances related to improper influence. In de minimus situations, <br />such as meal checks, some modest maxitmtrn dollar value should be <br />determined by the member as a guideline. The guideline is not intended <br />to isolate members from nonnal social practices where gifts among <br />ftienc::k. associates, and relatlws are appropriate (or certain occasWnf. <br /> <br />INvEsnmNrs '" CONflIcr WITH DPfiCIAL Durms. Member should <br />not invest or hold any investment, dlrertly or indirectly. in any <br />financial business, commercial. or other private tnmsaction that creates <br />a conflict with their official duties. <br /> <br />In the case of real estate. the potential use of confidential information <br />and knowledge to further a member's personallntefE5t requires special <br />consideration. This guideline recognizes that members' ot1ictaI actions <br />and decisions can be tnfluern:ed if there is a conflict with personal <br />investments. Purchases and sales which might be interpreted as <br />speculation for quick profit ought to be avoided (see the guideline on <br />"Confidential Wonnatlon "). <br /> <br />Because personal investments may prejudice or may appear to intluence <br />oftidat actions and decisions, members may, in concert with their <br />governing body, provkie for disclosure of such bwestments prior to <br />accepting their position as local government administra1:or or prior to any <br />ortidaI. action by the governing body that may affect sum in~tment5. <br /> <br />PERSONAL Rn..ttrONSHIPS. Member should disclose any personal <br />relationship to the governing body in any instance where there could <br />be the appearance of a conflict of interest. For example, if the <br />1IlBJ'1aget"s spouse works for a developer doing business wlth the local <br />government, that fact should be disclosed. <br /> <br />CONFIDENTIAL INFORMATION. Memben> should not disclose to <br />others, or use to further their personal interest, confidential <br />infonnatlon acquired by them in the course of their official duties. <br /> <br />PRIVATE ~. Members should. not engage in, solidt, <br />negotiate for, or promise to accept private employment, nor should <br />they render services for private interests or conduct a private business <br />when such employment, service, or business creates a conflict with or <br />impairs the proper discharge of their official duties. <br /> <br />Teaching, lecturing, writing, or consulting are typical activities that <br />may not invOlve contlict of interest, or impair the proper discharge of <br />their official duties. Prior nottficaUon of the appointing authority is <br />appropriate in all cases of outside employment. <br /> <br />~TION. Members shouki not represent any outside interesl <br />before any agency, whether pubUc or private, except with the <br />authorization of or at the direction of the appointing authority they serve. <br /> <br />ENooRSEMENTS. Members should not endorse commercial products <br />or services by agreeing to use their photograph, endorsement, or <br />quotation in paJd or other commerdal advertisements, whether or not <br />for compensation. Members may. however, agree to endorse the <br />following, provided they do not receive any compensation: (1) books <br />or other pubUcations; (2) professional development or educational <br />services provided by nonprofit membership organizations or <br />recogni2ed educational instltudons; (3) products and/or services in <br />which the local government has a direct economic interest. <br /> <br />Members' observations, opinions, and analyses of commerdal <br />products used or tested by their local governments are appropriate and <br />useful to the profession when included as part of professional articles <br />and reports. <br /> <br />ICMA Code Of Ethics ~th Guidelines. Keep for ,...... Ii... <br />