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2005-09-06 P & Z Agenda
Planning & Zoning
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2005-09-06 P & Z Agenda
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7/22/2009 8:18:02 AM
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7/22/2009 8:17:32 AM
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<br />Subd. 3 Self-Semce Merchandising. "Self-Semce Merchandising" shall mean <br />open displays of tobacco, tobacco products, or tobacco related devices in any manner <br />where any person shall have access to the tobacco, tobacco products, or tobacco related <br />devices, without the assistance Of intervention of the licensee or the licensee's employee. <br />The assistance or intervention shall entail the actual physical exchange of the tobacco, <br />tobacco product, or tobacco related device between the customer and the licensee or <br />employee. Self-semce merchandising shall not include vending machines. <br /> <br />Subd.4 Vending Machines. "Vending Machine" shall mean any mechanical, <br />electric or electronic, or other type of device which dispenses tobacco, tobacco products, <br />or tobacco related devices uWn the insertion of money, tokens, or other form of payment <br />direc#y into the machine by the person seeking to purchase the tobacco, tobacco product, <br />. or tobacco related device.' <br /> <br />Subd. 5 Individually Packal;!ed. "Individually packaged" shall mean the practice <br />of selling any tobacco or tobacco product wrapped individually fur sale. 41dividually <br />wrapped tobac;co an4tobacco products shall include, but not be limited to, single cigarette <br />. packs, single bags 9r calli! of loose tobacco in any form, and single cans or other packing <br />of snuff or chewing tobacco. Cartons or other packaging ccntaining more than a single <br />pack or other container as descn'bed in this subdivision shall not be considered individually <br />packaged. <br /> <br />Subd. .6 . Loosies. "LQosies" shall mean the common tenn used to refer to a single <br />or individually packaged cigarette. <br /> <br />Subd. 7 Milmr. "Minor" shall mean any natural person who bas not yet reached <br />the age of eighteen (18) years. l <br /> <br />Subd, 8 Retllil Establishment. "Retall establishment" shall mean any place of <br />business where tobacco, tobacco products, or tobacco related devices are available for <br />sale to the general public. Retail. establishment shall include, but not be limited to, <br />grocery stores, convenience stores and restaurants. <br /> <br />Subd. 9 Moveable Place "Moveable Place of Business" shall refer to <br />any form of business operated out of a truck, van, automobile, or other type ofvebicle or <br />transportable shelter and not a fixed address, store front or other permanent type of <br />. ~tructure authorized for sales transa~ioD&. . <br /> <br />Subd. 10 Sale. A "sale" shall mean any transfer of goods for money, trade, baiier, <br />or other consideration. <br /> <br />2 <br />
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