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<br />SECTION 3.0 - ADMINISTRATION <br /> <br />3.1 PermnsRequITed <br /> <br />3.1 1 A permit is requITed for the construction of buildings or building additions (and <br />including such related activities as construction of decks and signs), the <br />installation and/or alteration of sewage treatment systems, and those grading and <br />filling activities not exempted by Section 5.3 of this ordinance. Application for a <br />permit shall be made to the City of Centerville Building Inspector on the forms <br />provided. The application shall include the necessary information so that the City <br />of Centerville Building Inspector can determine the site's suitability for the <br />intended use and that a compliant sewage treatment system will be provided. <br /> <br />3.12 A permit authorizing an addition to an existing structure shall stipulate that an <br />identified nonconforming sewage treatment system, shall be reconstructed or <br />replaced in accordance with the provisions of this ordinance. <br /> <br />3.2 Certificate of Zoning Compliance <br /> <br />The Building Inspector shall issue a certificate of zoning compliance for each activity <br />requiring a permit as specified in this ordinance. This certificate will specifY that the use <br />of land conforms to the requirements of this ordinance. Any use, arrangement, or <br />construction at variance with that authorized by permit shall be deemed a violation of <br />this ordinance and shall be punishable as provided in this ordinance. <br /> <br />3.3 Variances <br /> <br />3.31 Variances may only be granted in accordance with Minnesota Statutes, Chapter <br />394 (for counties) or 462 (for municipalities), as applicable. A variance may not <br />circumvent the general purposes and intent of this ordinance. No variance may be <br />granted that would allow any use that is prohibited in the zoning district in which <br />the subject property is located. Conditions may be imposed in the granting of a <br />variance to ensure compliance and to protect adjacent properties and the public <br />interest. In considering a variance request, the board of adjustment must also <br />consider whether the property owner has reasonable use of the land without the <br />variance, whether the property is used seasonally or year-round, whether the <br />variance is being requested solely on the basis of economic considerations, and <br />the characteristics of development on adjacent properties. <br /> <br />3.32 The board of adjustment shall hear and decide requests for variances in <br />accordance with the rules that it bas adopted for the conduct of business. When a <br />variance is approved after the Department of Natural Resources has formally <br />recommended denial in the hearing record, the notification of the approved <br />variance requITed by this ordinance shall also include the board of adjustment's <br />summary of the public record/testimony and the findings off acts and conclusions <br />which supported the issuance of the variance. <br /> <br />-6- <br />