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<br />must only convey the location and name of the <br />establishment and the general types of goods or services <br />available. The signs must not contain other detailed <br />information such as product brands and prices, must not <br />be located higher than ten feet above the ground, and must <br />not exceed 32 square feet in size. If illuminated by <br />artificial lights, the lights must be shielded or directed to <br />prevent illumination out across public waters; and <br /> <br />(c) other outside lighting may be located within the shore <br />impact zone or over public waters if it is used primarily to <br />illuminate potential safety hazards and is shielded or <br />otherwise directed to prevent direct illumination out across <br />public waters. lbis does not preclude use of navigational <br />lights. <br /> <br />B. Uses without water-oriented needs must be located on lots or parcels <br />without public waters frontage, or, if located on lots or parcels with <br />public waters frontage, must either be set back double the normal <br />ordinary high water level setback or be substantially screened from view <br />from the water by vegetation or topography, assuming summer, leaf-on <br />conditions. <br /> <br />5.62 Extractive Use Standards. <br /> <br />A. Site Development and Restoration Plan. An extractive use site <br />development and restoration plan must be developed, approved, and <br />followed over the course of operation of the site. The plan must address <br />dust, noise, possible pollutant discharges, hours and duration of operation, <br />and anticipated vegetation and topographic alterations. It must also <br />identify actions to be taken during operation to mitigate adverse <br />environmental impacts, particularly erosion, and must clearly explain how <br />the site will be rehabilitated after extractive activities end. <br /> <br />B. Setbacks for Processing Machinery. Processing machinery must be <br />located consistent with setback standards for structures from ordinary <br />high water levels of public waters and from bluffs. <br /> <br />5.7 Conditional Uses <br /> <br />Conditional uses allowable within shoreland areas shall be subject to the review and <br />approval procedures, and criteria and conditions for review of conditional uses <br />established community-wide. The following additional evaluation criteria and conditions <br />apply within shoreland areas: <br /> <br />- 18 - <br />